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RFXtrx433 and RFX TRX Plugin

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:51 pm
by chanteruk
Following the news in the April 2012 PA newsletter about the plugin for the RFXtrx433 controller, i bought one from UK-automation, in the hope that I would be able to include some Homeasy appliance and dimmer switches Ive had for a while, but aren't able to use with my indigo and x10 setup.

I am not having any joy sending signals to any of my home easy devices through the Indigo plugin. I have managed to transmit signals successfully from a windows machine running RFXmagr

IN RFXmngr I was able to successfully signal a homeasy light switch with the following settings

ID - 1 74 26 8C

When plugging the trx433 back into my mac running my indigo system, i created a rfx-trx plugin device with type "AC dimmer" house code 0174268C and unit code 9

When issuing an "on" command from the indigo main window i get no response from the dimmer switch. Ive attached below trace from my log file when the on command is issued.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, i would be ever so grateful.

Thank you

Andy Brown
London UK

delayAmount : 900
description : turn on device
deviceAction : TurnOn
deviceId : 1027872237
replaceExisting : True
textToSpeak : address : 174268C
brightness : 0
buttonGroupCount : 0
description :
deviceTypeId : ACDimmer
enabled : True
errorState :
folderId : 0
globalProps : MetaProps : (dict)
nl.rjdekok.indigoplugin.RFXRDK : (dict)
address : 174268C (string)
unit : 9 (string)
id : 1027872237
lastChanged : 2012-04-13 23:44:51
ledStates : []
model : AC Dimmer
name : Lounge Rose Window
onState : False
pluginId : nl.rjdekok.indigoplugin.RFXRDK
pluginProps : nl.rjdekok.indigoplugin.RFXRDK : (dict)
address : 174268C (string)
unit : 9 (string)
protocol : Plugin
remoteDisplay : True
states : States : (dict)
brightnessLevel : 0 (integer)
onOffState : off (on/off bool)
supportsAllLightsOnOff : False
supportsAllOff : False
supportsStatusRequest : True
version : 0
RFX TRX By RdK Debug Turn On Appliance/Dimmer (level 0).
RFX TRX By RdK Debug Address 174268C
RFX TRX By RdK Debug housecode:9
RFX TRX By RdK Debug device type:ACDimmer
RFX TRX By RdK Debug device type:0
RFX TRX By RdK Debug device level:0.0
RFX TRX By RdK Debug sent "Lounge Rose Window" on
RFX TRX By RdK Debug Processing data 4 2 1 0 0
RFX TRX By RdK Debug ACK Message ACK, transmit OK
RFX TRX By RdK Debug ++++++++++++++

Re: RFXtrx433 and RFX TRX Plugin

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:54 pm
by RJdeKok

Can you send me the Hex string sent by the RFXMGR which works?

Re: RFXtrx433 and RFX TRX Plugin

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:21 pm
by chanteruk

this is the string sent from RFXMGR

Lighting2 command:0B 11 00 02 01 74 26 8C 09 01 05 00
Packettype = Receiver/Transmitter Message
subtype = Transmitter Response
Sequence nbr = 2
response = ACK, data correct transmitted

Thank you


Re: RFXtrx433 and RFX TRX Plugin

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:21 am
by RJdeKok
Hi Andy,

There is a new version of the plugin available.
This one knows HomeEasy appliance and Dimmer.
I also extended the logging, so you can see what the RFX transmits when you send a command:

RFX TRX By RdK Debug Turn On Appliance/Dimmer (level 0).
RFX TRX By RdK Debug Address 0174268C
RFX TRX By RdK Debug housecode:9
RFX TRX By RdK Debug device type:HEDimmer
RFX TRX By RdK Debug device type:1
RFX TRX By RdK Debug device level:0.0
RFX TRX By RdK Debug Transmitting data 11 17 1 0 1 116 38 140 9 1 0 0 (0b1101000174268c09010000)
RFX TRX By RdK Debug sent "HETest" on
RFX TRX By RdK Debug Processing data 4 2 1 0 0 (0402010000)
RFX TRX By RdK Debug ACK Message ACK, transmit OK

This can help us to find the problem if it still does not work.

Re: RFXtrx433 and RFX TRX Plugin

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:52 am
by chanteruk
Hello again.

Fantastic! This now works perfectly with:-

HE302 Appliance switch
HE108 Double gang light switch
HE107 Single gang light switch
HE205 In line bulb holder

Also managed to define a HE303 PIR sensor as an AC switch and use it to control other devices via a trigger.

This plugin has allowed me to bring 9 devices that were previously isolated from my X10/Indigo setup.

Thank you! :-)


Re: RFXtrx433 and RFX TRX Plugin

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2012 10:08 am
by henkjanvries
How do i get the housecode?

Theres no step by step anywhere?

Re: RFXtrx433 and RFX TRX Plugin

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:48 pm
by durosity
How did you get the HE107/8 to integrate, i don't seem to have any option for HE switch (Just appliance and dimmer)