Reset Message and voltage on RFX Sensor

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Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:47 am
jenkins007 offline
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Location: Seguin, TX

Reset Message and voltage on RFX Sensor

I have 3 RFX sensors. One sensor has an additional 1 wire to monitor temperature in another room. I was getting sporadic information on these connected sensors so I investigated.
I had a low battery warning - voltage dropped to 478. I replaced the battery with another one (that was supposedly new). Voltage indicated 455. Messages using either battery seemed good... Low battery detector on the Sensor device and a 1-wire scratchpad CRC error for the additional 1 wire sensor plugged into the main RFX sensor. All seemed good.

I replaced the battery with one still in the package. Voltage went to 498 which was pretty consistent with the previous brand new battery when I did not have problems. Both sensors started working as expected.However, both messages still remained on the device (low battery and the CRC error). I thought the messages would reset. I restarted the computer, and checked - both messages remained. I reloaded the plug in and they still remained. I noticed there is a reset value, but between the 1-wire connected to the sensor and the sensor, the values are different (see screen shots after battery replaced). The zero voltage for the 1-wire is expected.
  • When does this message get reset?
  • The voltage states around 500. The actual battery is a 9V. Why the difference or is this value really the wattage/milliamps?

Thanks this plugin is awesome!
Sensor.png (12.35 KiB) Viewed 2313 times
1 wire connected to sensor.png
1 wire connected to sensor.png (12.58 KiB) Viewed 2313 times


Posted on
Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:29 am
b_weijenberg offline
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Re: Reset Message and voltage on RFX Sensor

The 1-Wire scratchpad CRC error is not normal. This could be a wrong sensor but I guess the 1-Wire cable is not OK.
Check ... mvp/id/148
Last edited by b_weijenberg on Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posted on
Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:41 am
jenkins007 offline
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Location: Seguin, TX

Re: Reset Message and voltage on RFX Sensor

The 1-Wire scratpad CRC error is not normal. This could be a wrong sensor but I guess the 1-Wire cable is not OK.

FYI...Both sensor and 1-wire cable attached to the sensor have been working fine for a long time (prior to the RFX plug-in being available). The one-wire is the original cable which is about 1 meter in length and plugs into the sensor in the small hole in the side.

I took the message to indicate that the battery was low and the CRC happened due to low voltage. Prior to replacing the battery, the 1-wire stopped working and it appeared the main sensor was sporadic in reporting temperature. Both sensor and 1-wire appear to be reporting temperatures fine since replacing the battery. However, note that the message for both the sensor (which indicates low battery even after the battery is replaced) and the extra cable (1-wire) remain. My first take, since the temperature is now updating, is that this is a message reset issue. I'll keep my eye on it for a while and see if I see any other inconsistencies.


Posted on
Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:22 am
jenkins007 offline
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Re: Reset Message and voltage on RFX Sensor

I researched the message reset issue for RFX sensors and found a bug. As noted in previous posts, I started getting a CRC error and low battery messages on the RFX sensor which had a low battery. I replaced the battery with a good one and watched it for a couple of days. The messages remained, but the sensors appeared to be working correctly. So, I renamed those devices and put a bogus address on them so I could created new devices (and so none of my actions would be inadvertently deleted). I created new devices for the RFX sensor and the connected 1-wire sensor with the correct addresses. The new devices starting reporting temperatures fine AND - there were no messages.

I believe the code needs to be adjusted to reset messages (or maybe a documented procedures to reset the device?). Rebooting or disabling then re-enabling the RFX plug in does not reset the messages. Only creating new devices did the message get reset.


Posted on
Sun May 05, 2013 12:59 pm
RJdeKok offline
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Re: Reset Message and voltage on RFX Sensor

There us a new version available which resets the message text after it received new data from the sensor.
To be sure you don't miss any messages, a trigger should be used.

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