RFXrec433 and OS THN132N temperature sensor

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Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:01 pm
mpleeds offline
Posts: 58
Joined: Jul 02, 2012

RFXrec433 and OS THN132N temperature sensor

I recently upgraded to the latest version of Indigo Pro, purchased the RFXrec433, and acquired an Oregon Scientific THN132N temp. sensor. I have installed and configured the RFXCOM plugin, and now would like to integrate it into Indigo. The RFX appears to be recognized by Indigo based on what the event log shows:

RFXCOM initializing communication on port /dev/cu.usbserial-03VGC687 at speed 38400
RFXCOM connected to RFXrec 433.92 MHz, firmware version 41
RFXCOM currently enabled receiver protocols: Oregon Scientific

At this point the OS THN132n is not reporting temperature changes to the Indigo event log. Any suggestions?

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Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:04 am
johnpolasek offline
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Location: Aggieland, Texas

Re: RFXrec433 and OS THN132N temperature sensor

Make sure the "Log unknown sensors as error" option is checked at the bottom of the RFX configuration and that the batteries are good in the transmitter, and (to start with) the transmitter is somewhere close to the RFX. You should be getting messages in the Indigo log about once a minute saying that an unknown sensor was found on some channel. Once you have the channel number, go to the Devices option in the home window and define a new device, type plugin, plugin RFX. Configue the device to be a Temperature/Humidity device with ID set to the channel from the log... one of the things you can look at in the device once it comes up is "signal strength"; as you try to locate the sender in a good shady spot outside, make sure that the strength remains in the 5 to 6 range... when you start seeing 4s on a regular basis, it means that you are not always going t get a signal from it.

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