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Can't include a device after excluding it

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:27 pm
by racarter
I accidentally removed two devices from the Include list in the Config dialogue earlier today. I included them again, but noticed a while later that their graph traces had not resumed. On investigation, even though the devices are on the Include list, they show up as Excluded when I explore the devices. Both are in the Included list in the config file.

The state I want to use for both devices is sensorValue; this is included in the list of Global include states, but that state still shows Excluded when I explore the device.

I've tried restarting the plugin, but this has not resolved the problem. I also tried deleting the graph panels in Grafana and adding them again, but no luck.

Any suggestions gratefully received!

Re: Can't include a device after excluding it

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:08 pm
by vtmikel

Sorry for the delay in responding. I'm having trouble reproducing this, but I've made a few tweaks, so try the latest version posted today.

If that doesn't work, try this:

Go to your Indigo folder/Preferences/Plugins/com.vtmikel.grafana.indiPref
Open that file in a text editor
Search for the deviceID you are having trouble with
Remove the entire <Item></Item>

Worst case, you could remove that entire file and that'll reboot your plugin configuration (your Influx Data will remain, but the plugin will need all of your passwords again)

Re: Can't include a device after excluding it

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:19 pm
by racarter
Thanks - I’ll try that if it ever happens again. I’d tried editing the prefs file, but that didn’t help.

On this occasion I solved the problem by nuking the database, keeping the config. :)