Grafana install problem.

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Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:35 pm
vtmikel offline
Posts: 646
Joined: Aug 31, 2012
Location: Boston, MA

Re: Grafana install problem.

Sorry. After a bit more research, I dont think I can make this work for you easily. The plugin uses the binary package versions of Grafana and Influx that come from Homebrew ( Homebrew seems to not support 10.7 any longer, and therefore I cannot find a binary for Grafana that will work with OS X 10.7. Grafana's site does not say anything specifically about the OSX version requirement, but the installation for macs is recommended to use Homebrew.

The alternative is to run Grafana externally to the plugin on a different machine. Then, you would just turn the Grafana component off in my plugin. My plugin would continue to host the Influx database, and will log your device history.

Since you have not gotten the plugin working, it's not a guarantee that InfluxDB will run correctly on your OSX either. Similar to Grafana, it's using a version that is intended for OS X Mojave (10.14). It seems to be running for you, but we haven't tested it.

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