iRoomba iRobot Plugin

Posted on
Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:08 pm
GlennNZ offline
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iRoomba iRobot Plugin

vintonc wrote:
Should I put fill in the "Roomba Cloud Login" and "Roomba Cloud Password" or will both of those be filled by the "iRobot Cloud Settings -> Get Password" like the local Get Password?

This is an i7 Roomba. What I want to be able to do turn on lights when it starts up and turn them off when its done. I plan to use the iRobot app to set cleaning schedules. Is the cloud config necessary or appropriate for this model and task?

Here's the debug with both of those fields empty.


I can’t quite follow how you would misunderstand & would not fill out the login and password fields above the Get Password button???? :roll:

We need your irobot account to download the password. Another giveaway may have been been asking you to put correct username and password in these fields giving the logging output…

Looking at logging:
This info line here:
Code: Select all
  iRobot-Roomba                   Getting Roomba information from iRobot aws cloud...

Highlights that trying to get password from Cloud - using username/password - which then fail as they are blank

But there are a few messages there from it would seem a iRobot, these are - on_msg, ones - if you only have only then it may already be connected.

When you start or reload the plugin should give you a connected message and states should update.

This apparent brain freeze aside, if still not connected then enter username & password click get Password. (or Local only - untick use iCloud and use local button presses only,)

The icloud stuff can be used once only to download the password - to avoid all the local button pressing. Once password downloaded can turn off if wish. We do get some info from cloud but has become much less now room data is not longer available (either cloud or local)

Checking what state iRoomba is in, turning on lights etc - quite reasonable. Another ideal use is to turn on after last person leaves and turn off once someone returns home.


Posted on
Wed Apr 24, 2024 8:28 am
Argelix offline
Posts: 14
Joined: Dec 08, 2016

Re: iRoomba iRobot Plugin

for 2 months now one of my roombas (980) has not been working from Indigo at all, the other (s9+) works just fine. Today I found the time to deal with it and I am getting nowhere. The 980 (which is working just fine from its app) is stuck on "starting device" and nothing I did (reboot Mac, reboot Roomba, restart the plugin) changed that, it would always only ever find the other roomba. I tried using the cloud API, no change; but according to the log it did find 1 matching Roomba got its password. The device details look ok and lastSuccessfulComm is from today; only "states" looks very much empty. Giving up on it I deleted the device and its ini-file, started new, same thing. There are a bund of errors in the log, but they seem to deal with getting the password.

2024-04-24 15:36:03.160 iRobot-Roomba Error ( Function: threadgetPassword line: 904): Exception : Message : Caught Exception:'sessionInfo'
2024-04-24 15:36:03.161 iRobot-Roomba Error Traceback:
File "", line 899, in threadgetPassword
result = irobotAPI_Maps(self, address=roombaIP, useCloud=useCloud, cloudLogin=cloudLogin, cloudPassword=cloudPassword, blid=blid)
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/iRobot-Roomba.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 100, in __init__
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/iRobot-Roomba.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 104, in get_maps
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/iRobot-Roomba.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 129, in login
"oauth_token": response['sessionInfo']['sessionToken'],

2024-04-24 15:36:03.162 iRobot-Roomba Error Error in plugin execution:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 899, in threadgetPassword
result = irobotAPI_Maps(self, address=roombaIP, useCloud=useCloud, cloudLogin=cloudLogin, cloudPassword=cloudPassword, blid=blid)
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/iRobot-Roomba.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 100, in __init__
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/iRobot-Roomba.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 104, in get_maps
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/iRobot-Roomba.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 129, in login
"oauth_token": response['sessionInfo']['sessionToken'],
KeyError: 'sessionInfo'

2024-04-24 15:36:03.162 iRobot-Roomba Error
Exc_info: (<class 'KeyError'>, KeyError('sessionInfo'), <traceback object at 0x108aec8c0>)
Exc_Text: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 899, in threadgetPassword
result = irobotAPI_Maps(self, address=roombaIP, useCloud=useCloud, cloudLogin=cloudLogin, cloudPassword=cloudPassword, blid=blid)
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/iRobot-Roomba.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 100, in __init__
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/iRobot-Roomba.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 104, in get_maps
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/iRobot-Roomba.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 129, in login
"oauth_token": response['sessionInfo']['sessionToken'],
KeyError: 'sessionInfo'
Stack_info: None

Device details of the "new" device I created (minus iCloud Info):

2024-04-24 16:07:32.033 Script address :
batteryLevel : None
buttonConfiguredCount : 0
buttonGroupCount : 0
configured : True
description :
deviceTypeId : roombaDevice
displayStateId : onOffState
displayStateImageSel : SensorOff
displayStateValRaw : False
displayStateValUi : Starting Device
enabled : True
energyAccumBaseTime : None
energyAccumTimeDelta : None
energyAccumTotal : None
energyCurLevel : None
errorState :
folderId : 0
globalProps : MetaProps : (dict)
com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot : (dict)
AllowOnStateChange : true (bool)
AllowSensorValueChange : false (bool)
SupportsOnState : true (bool)
SupportsSensorValue : true (bool)
SupportsStatusRequest : false (bool)
address : (string)
forceSSL : true (bool)
password : OK. Using Saved Config File. (string)
refreshCallbackMethod : (string)
roombaName : Roomba - Bottom (string)
useCloud : true (bool)
id : 1705969687
lastChanged : 2024-04-24 15:56:04
lastSuccessfulComm : 2024-04-24 15:56:04
ledStates : []
model : Roomba Cleaner
name : Roomba - Bottom
onState : False
ownerProps : com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot : (dict)
AllowOnStateChange : true (bool)
AllowSensorValueChange : false (bool)
SupportsOnState : true (bool)
SupportsSensorValue : true (bool)
SupportsStatusRequest : false (bool)
address : (string)
forceSSL : true (bool)
password : OK. Using Saved Config File. (string)
refreshCallbackMethod : (string)
roombaName : Roomba - Bottom (string)
useCloud : true (bool)
pluginId : com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot
pluginProps : emptyDict : (dict)
protocol : Plugin
remoteDisplay : True
sharedProps : com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict)
states : States : (dict)
BatPct : (string)
BinFull : false (bool)
Cycle : (string)
ErrorCode : (string)
ErrorText : (string)
IP : (string)
LifetimeAreaCleaned_Sqft : (string)
LifetimeAreaCleaned_m2 : (string)
LifetimeCleaningJobs : (string)
LifetimeRuntime : (string)
MAC : F0:03:8C:B2:94:57 (string)
MissionDuration : (string)
MissionStarted : (string)
Name : Roomba - Bottom (string)
NotReady : (string)
NotReadyText : (string)
Phase : (string)
RechargeFinish : (string)
RechargeM : 0 (integer)
SqFt : 0 (integer)
X : (string)
Y : (string)
blid : 6977C20450314730 (string)
currentState_Statement : (string)
deviceStatus : Communications Error (string)
errornotReady_Statement : (string)
lastMission : (string)
onOffState : off (on/off bool)
onOffState.ui : Starting Device (string)
softwareVer : v2.4.17-138 (string)
subModel :
subType :
supportsAllLightsOnOff : False
supportsAllOff : False
supportsOnState : True
supportsStatusRequest : False
version : None

Another thing I found in the logs when restarting the plugin:
2024-04-24 14:50:12.718 Warning process (pid 1830) failed to quit after polite request -- forcing it to quit now

Do you have any suggestion what to do here?

Posted on
Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:59 am
Mark offline
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Re: iRoomba iRobot Plugin

No solution, just tagging along.

My Roomba and Indigo were quite happy together for years. I don't recall any big challenge about setting it up to begin with, and have since developed quite an interface for Indigo control of Roomba.

I recently upgraded WiFi and had to change my WiFi address (from to from That broke my Roomba connection and it hasn't worked since. I cannot reconnected Roomba to Indigo, and am stuck at "Status: Communications Error" with a State of "Starting Device."

I was able to revert my WiFi address to, but have yet to attempt anything with Roomba, because, like you, I just haven't had time. I haven't reset anything, or started over, because of the extensive set of presets I set up. The thought of having to remap my house, and then re-teach everything to the Roomba plug-in has me proceeding very carefully.

So, sorry, nothing to help you, other than providing my own set of clues and attempts at fixes.

I'll keep you posted with anything I come up with.

Posted on
Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:40 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Re: iRoomba iRobot Plugin

Argelix wrote:
for 2 months now one of my roombas (980) has not been working from Indigo at all, the other (s9+) works just fine. Today I found the time to deal with it and I am getting nowhere. The 980 (which is working just fine from its app) is stuck on "starting device" and nothing I did (reboot Mac, reboot Roomba, restart the plugin) changed that, it would always only ever find the other roomba. I tried using the cloud API, no change; but according to the log it did find 1 matching Roomba got its password. The device details look ok and lastSuccessfulComm is from today; only "states" looks very much empty. Giving up on it I deleted the device and its ini-file, started new, same thing. There are a bund of errors in the log, but they seem to deal with getting the password.


The 980 works fine - I have one and can confirm this.

The logging provided doesn’t really explain the issue you are seeing - more the fact that it isn’t getting the password. This is needed once.

If you are deleting ini files - best to delete the whole device (as would be marked as having password (ini file) saved, but you have deleted it)

The SSL true / false settings can be tried. With an old iroomba like this one it is possible your firmware doesn’t need SSL settings.

Sounds like it is getting password from cloud - which is good as this is most annoying aspect.


Would delete the indigo device and the ini file for this iroomba
Would create a new device and use icloud to get password.
Restart plugin for good measure
Once password got, can try communication with and without using SSL - it may be as simple as not using SSL for this old firmware.


Have app forced closed on phone when establishing connection. (can’t have 2 connections at same time — particularly with startup)
If need to can reboot iroomba - look up specific model instructions - often it whole down main button for 10 seconds.

If that doesn’t help
Need better logging of what the issue is, turn on debug logging and post.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Posted on
Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:43 pm
GlennNZ offline
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iRoomba iRobot Plugin

Mark wrote:
No solution, just tagging along.

My Roomba and Indigo were quite happy together for years. I don't recall any big challenge about setting it up to begin with, and have since developed quite an interface for Indigo control of Roomba.

I recently upgraded WiFi and had to change my WiFi address (from to from That broke my Roomba connection and it hasn't worked since. I cannot reconnected Roomba to Indigo, and am stuck at "Status: Communications Error" with a State of "Starting Device."

I was able to revert my WiFi address to, but have yet to attempt anything with Roomba, because, like you, I just haven't had time. I haven't reset anything, or started over, because of the extensive set of presets I set up. The thought of having to remap my house, and then re-teach everything to the Roomba plug-in has me proceeding very carefully.

So, sorry, nothing to help you, other than providing my own set of clues and attempts at fixes.

I'll keep you posted with anything I come up with.

I think a separate thread here is worthwhile as yours is clearly a different issue. I’m not sure there are any clues here for others…

If you change your WIFI then iroomba wifi needs to be reset up and you won’t be able to connect to it with Indigo Plugin here, or the App. You don’t make it clear where the issue lies.

If Plugin alone:
Then need to delete devices ideally, but alternatively could just update IP address of current device and get Password again (ideally from icloud)
Then check this new IP subnet has access to and from the Indigo Mac which may also need mDNS properly setup.

If that doesn’t help, then start another forum thread (and copy this) as don’t think its appropriate to continue 2 threads

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Posted on
Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:22 am
Argelix offline
Posts: 14
Joined: Dec 08, 2016

Re: iRoomba iRobot Plugin

Thanks for the reply. I had tried most of your suggestions, including switching SSL (it had worked for years in "on"). With your suggestion I tried everything with the iPhone app force closed, still nothing. Then I turned on all debugging I could find and restarted the plugin. This is the result, passwords x-ed out and I cut some lines short, at 07:47:16.272 (list of messages?), 07:47:21.561 and 07:47:21.566 (status reply for the other Roomba).

I don't see any errors per se, it does a "deviceStartComm called for Roomba - Bottom" (same as for Roomba - Top), the difference seems to be

( {'': []}

deviceStartComm:536 doesn't appear at all for the other Roomba, that could be a failed attempt to log an error?

2024-04-25 07:47:16.097 Warning process (pid 35126) failed to quit after polite request -- forcing it to quit now
2024-04-25 07:47:16.097 Application Stopped plugin "iRobot-Roomba 0.10.02"
2024-04-25 07:47:16.106 Application Starting plugin "iRobot-Roomba 0.10.02" (pid 35168)
2024-04-25 07:47:16.171 Application Processing requirements for plugin "iRobot-Roomba 0.10.02"
2024-04-25 07:47:16.172 Application Requirements for "iRobot-Roomba 0.10.02" previously processed, continuing startup
2024-04-25 07:47:16.270 iRobot-Roomba 13.6.6
2024-04-25 07:47:16.270 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Major Version== 13
2024-04-25 07:47:16.270 iRobot-Roomba =================================== Initializing New Plugin Session for Plugin: iRobot-Roomba ====================================
2024-04-25 07:47:16.270 iRobot-Roomba Plugin name: iRobot-Roomba
2024-04-25 07:47:16.270 iRobot-Roomba Plugin version: 0.10.02
2024-04-25 07:47:16.271 iRobot-Roomba Plugin ID: com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot
2024-04-25 07:47:16.271 iRobot-Roomba Indigo version: 2023.2.0
2024-04-25 07:47:16.271 iRobot-Roomba System version: 13.6.6 Ventura
2024-04-25 07:47:16.271 iRobot-Roomba Product version: macOS-13.6.6-arm64-arm-64bit
2024-04-25 07:47:16.271 iRobot-Roomba Silicon version: arm64
2024-04-25 07:47:16.271 iRobot-Roomba Python version: 3.11.6 (v3.11.6:8b6ee5ba3b, Oct 2 2023, 11:18:21) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)]
2024-04-25 07:47:16.271 iRobot-Roomba Python Directory: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11
2024-04-25 07:47:16.271 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( logLevel = 5
2024-04-25 07:47:16.272 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Reading iRoomba Strings as JSON Data From File
2024-04-25 07:47:16.272 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Done reading new json Data file
2024-04-25 07:47:16.272 iRobot-Roomba =================================== End Initializing Plugin Session for Plugin: iRobot-Roomba ====================================
2024-04-25 07:47:16.272 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( self.newiroombaData={b'notification': b'N......

2024-04-25 07:47:16.277 Application Started plugin "iRobot-Roomba 0.10.02"
2024-04-25 07:47:16.278 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( updateFrequency = 86400.0
2024-04-25 07:47:16.278 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( statusFrequency = 60
2024-04-25 07:47:16.278 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( deviceStartComm called for Roomba - Bottom
2024-04-25 07:47:17.327 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Mapping File should equal:/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:17.327 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Mapping Data File Exists - using it
2024-04-25 07:47:17.328 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Mapping File should equal:/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:17.328 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Favourites Data File Exists - using it
2024-04-25 07:47:17.329 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( {'': []}
2024-04-25 07:47:17.331 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( deviceStartComm called for Roomba - Top
2024-04-25 07:47:18.372 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Mapping File should equal:/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:18.373 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Mapping Data File Does Not Exist.
2024-04-25 07:47:18.373 iRobot-Roomba No Cloud Mapping Data found for this device. Please setup in Device Config if needed.
2024-04-25 07:47:18.373 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Mapping File should equal:/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:18.374 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Favourites Data File Does Not Exist.
2024-04-25 07:47:18.374 iRobot-Roomba No Cloud Favourites Data found for this device. Please setup in Device Config if needed.
2024-04-25 07:47:18.374 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( {'': []}
2024-04-25 07:47:18.377 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( checkALlRoombas called.
2024-04-25 07:47:18.379 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( getRoomba Info Running..
2024-04-25 07:47:18.380 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( getRoombaInfo for Roomba - Bottom
2024-04-25 07:47:18.380 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( connectRoomba Called self.roomba_list = []
2024-04-25 07:47:18.380 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Device Name = Roomba - Bottom
2024-04-25 07:47:18.380 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( connecting Roomba Device: Roomba - Bottom
2024-04-25 07:47:18.381 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Using config file: /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:18.381 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( CONTINUOUS connection
2024-04-25 07:47:18.382 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Reading Config File:
2024-04-25 07:47:18.383 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Reading config file... /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:18.384 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( reading info from config file /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:18.384 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Sections ['']
2024-04-25 07:47:18.384 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Posting DECODED data
2024-04-25 07:47:18.384 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Connecting: Name:Roomba - Bottom && Address: && password::xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx && Port:8883
2024-04-25 07:47:18.384 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Connecting Roomba - Bottom
2024-04-25 07:47:18.384 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Selecting the best SSL TLS Settings
2024-04-25 07:47:18.384 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Setting TLS
2024-04-25 07:47:18.387 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( MQTT Client Succesfully setup
2024-04-25 07:47:18.388 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Client MQTT New Connection - Connect Running now Roomba - Bottom
2024-04-25 07:47:18.388 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Threading inital connection to avoid issues if one iRoomba down...
2024-04-25 07:47:19.412 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Client LoopStart Running now Roomba - Bottom
2024-04-25 07:47:19.414 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Adding myroomba to self.roomba_list..
2024-04-25 07:47:19.414 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( self.roomba_list:[<roomba.Roomba object at 0x1087f4f10>]
2024-04-25 07:47:19.414 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Reconnecting device/checked
2024-04-25 07:47:20.474 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( getRoomba Info Running..
2024-04-25 07:47:20.474 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( getRoombaInfo for Roomba - Top
2024-04-25 07:47:20.475 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( connectRoomba Called self.roomba_list = [<roomba.Roomba object at 0x1087f4f10>]
2024-04-25 07:47:20.475 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Device Name = Top Roomba
2024-04-25 07:47:20.475 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( connecting Roomba Device: Roomba - Top
2024-04-25 07:47:20.477 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Using config file: /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:20.477 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( CONTINUOUS connection
2024-04-25 07:47:20.477 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Reading Config File:
2024-04-25 07:47:20.479 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Reading config file... /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:20.479 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( reading info from config file /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.irobot/
2024-04-25 07:47:20.479 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Sections ['']
2024-04-25 07:47:20.479 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Posting DECODED data
2024-04-25 07:47:20.479 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Connecting: Name:Top Roomba && Address: && password::xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx && Port:8883
2024-04-25 07:47:20.480 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Connecting Top Roomba
2024-04-25 07:47:20.480 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Selecting the best SSL TLS Settings
2024-04-25 07:47:20.481 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Setting TLS
2024-04-25 07:47:20.481 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( MQTT Client Succesfully setup
2024-04-25 07:47:20.481 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Client MQTT New Connection - Connect Running now Top Roomba
2024-04-25 07:47:20.482 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Threading inital connection to avoid issues if one iRoomba down...
2024-04-25 07:47:21.557 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Client LoopStart Running now Top Roomba
2024-04-25 07:47:21.558 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Adding myroomba to self.roomba_list..
2024-04-25 07:47:21.559 iRobot-Roomba Roomba Connected : Top Roomba
2024-04-25 07:47:21.559 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( self.roomba_list:[<roomba.Roomba object at 0x1087f4f10>, <roomba.Roomba object at 0x108fef490>]
2024-04-25 07:47:21.560 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Reconnecting device/checked

2024-04-25 07:47:21.561 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( on_message: msg.topic:$aws/things/0819EC585A75416D9804B85C7962D637/shadow/update msg.qos:0 payload:b'.....
2024-04-25 07:47:21.566 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( decode_payload: json_data {'state': {'reported': {'audio': {'volum....

2024-04-25 07:47:21.578 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( updated state to: Charging
2024-04-25 07:47:21.578 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( check on_message called by on_message iroomba function: For Device:
2024-04-25 07:47:21.581 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Found Device: Matching device IP192.168.178.142
2024-04-25 07:47:21.581 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( saveMasterStateDevice called. FromonMessage:True and currentstate:Charging
2024-04-25 07:47:21.582 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Writing Master State Device:906502310:{"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 100, "batteryType": "F12432712", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-10-9", "mName": "Panasonic", "mDaySerial": 1351, "mData": "303031303035303300000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C3A0B0810140BD543B0002C078FE61A013CFC8828090000002E632C00000000", "cCount": 504, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 5, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 673, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 8, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 3213, "nAvail": 1430, "hOnDock": 23619, "avgMin": 183}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 119, "nMssnF": 129, "nMssnC": 372, "nMssnOk": 268, "aMssnM": 278, "nMssn": 769}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 94, "nGoodLmrks": 137, "aGain": 19, "aExpo": 55}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [46, 4, 17, 9, 46, 1010, 17, 17, 46, 5]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 203, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 188, "nSafRst": 7, "safCauses": [20, 21, 21, 21, 37, 21, 21, 10773, 10773, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 1, "nMBStll": 3277, "nPanics": 3767, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 196, "nOpticalDD": 143, "nPiezoDD": 3, "nWStll": 15, "nScrubs": 161, "nEvacs": 1398, "nStuck": 183, "nCliffsF": 241408, "nCliffsR": 0}, "bbswitch": {"nBumper": 1023371, "nDrops": 2505, "nDock": 98, "nSpot": 556, "nClean": 115}, "bbsys": {"min": 50, "hr": 25282}, "behaviorFwk": null, "bin": {"present": true, "full": false}, "binPause": true, "cap": {"carpetBoost": 1, "binFullDetect": 2, "oMode": 2, "dockComm": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 3, "pmaps": 10, "mc": 2, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 2, "team": 1, "pp": 0, "pose": 2, "lang": 2, "gentle": 1, "5ghz": 1, "prov": 3, "sched": 2, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 0, "ns": 1, "tileScan": 1}, "carpetBoost": false, "childLock": false, "chrgLrPtrn": 2, "cleanMissionStatus": {"cycle": "none", "phase": "charge", "expireM": 0, "rechrgM": 0, "error": 0, "notReady": 0, "condNotReady": [], "mssnM": 0, "expireTm": 0, "rechrgTm": 0, "mssnStrtTm": 1713973918, "operatingMode": 0, "initiator": "localApp", "nMssn": 769, "missionId": "01HW8CWY9G4DT2GZ4EGP04HX8W"}, "cleanSchedule2": [], "cloudEnv": "prod", "connected": true, "country": "DE", "deploymentState": 0, "dock": {"known": true, "pn": "4620621", "state": 301, "id": "10871872508810213514024156254111331918116", "fwVer": "4.8.6", "hwRev": 255, "varID": 0}, "evacAllowed": true, "ecoCharge": false, "featureFlags": {"pmapSharing": 0, "reachableSpaceFlags": 0, "wallE": 0, "astMotorStoppedStateEnable": true, "stratParams": 0, "childLockEnable": 1, "covHybridPlan": 0, "trainingStrategy": 1, "covPlan": 0, "chrgLrPtrnEnable": 1, "clearHaz": true}, "gentleMode": 0, "hwPartsRev": {"csscID": 1, "mobBrd": 7, "mobBlid": "C349A78EA7B952846DE203EAAF03E350", "imuPartNo": "BMI055", "lrDrv": "PCA9956B", "navSerialNo": "CE00B10ZD", "wlan0HwAddr": "50:14:79:73:cc:56", "NavBrd": 0}, "hwDbgr": null, "langs2": {"sVer": "1.0", "dLangs": {"ver": "0.33", "langs": ["ar-SA_1", "ar-SA_2", "cs-CZ_1", "cs-CZ_2", "da-DK_1", "da-DK_2", "de-DE_1", "de-DE_2", "en-GB_1", "en-GB_2", "en-US_1", "en-US_2", "es-ES_1", "es-ES_2", "es-XL_1", "es-XL_2", "fi-FI_1", "fi-FI_2", "fr-CA_1", "fr-CA_2", "fr-FR_1", "fr-FR_2", "he-IL_1", "he-IL_2", "it-IT_1", "it-IT_2", "ja-JP_1", "ja-JP_2", "ko-KR_1", "ko-KR_2", "nb-NO_1", "nb-NO_2", "nl-NL_1", "nl-NL_2", "pl-PL_1", "pl-PL_2", "pt-BR_1", "pt-BR_2", "pt-PT_1", "pt-PT_2", "ru-RU_1", "ru-RU_2", "sv-SE_1", "sv-SE_2", "tr-TR_1", "tr-TR_2", "zh-CN_1", "zh-CN_2", "zh-HK_1", "zh-HK_2", "zh-TW_1", "zh-TW_2"]}, "sLang": "en-US_1", "aSlots": 0}, "lastCommand": {"command": "dock", "time": 1713986971, "initiator": "localApp"}, "lastDisconnect": 4, "lidOpen": false, "mapUploadAllowed": true, "missionTelemetry": {"aux_comms": 1, "bat_stats": 1, "behaviors_report": 1, "camera_settings": 1, "coverage_report": 1, "hardknock_report": 1, "map_hypotheses": 1, "map_load": 1, "map_save": 1, "pmap_navigability": 1, "roomseg_report": 1, "sensor_stats": 1, "tumor_classifier_report": 1, "visual_stasis_report": 1, "vital_stats": 1, "vslam_report": 1}, "mssnNavStats": {"nMssn": 769, "missionId": "01HW8CWY9G4DT2GZ4EGP04HX8W", "gLmk": 137, "lmk": 67, "reLc": 0, "plnErr": "none", "mTrk": 94, "kdp": 0, "sfkdp": 0, "nmc": 1, "nmmc": 1, "nrmc": 0, "mpSt": "idle", "l_drift": 0, "h_drift": 0, "l_squal": 26, "h_squal": 0}, "name": "Top Roomba", "noAutoPasses": false, "openOnly": false, "optFeats": {"pmaps": null}, "pmapLearningAllowed": true, "pmaps": [{"kVRQbh7FTQC9cO3H9QOtDQ": "240424T194410"}], "pmapCL": true, "pmapSGen": 4, "pmapShare": {"copy": [1, 2, 4, 6], "share": null}, "rankOverlap": 15, "reflexSettings": {"rlWheelDrop": {"enabled": 1}}, "runtimeStats": {"min": 49, "sqft": 1089, "hr": 788}, "sceneRecog": null, "schedHold": false, "secureBoot": {"log": 2, "flip": 0, "sbl1Ver": "B3.2.02_PPUB", "stublVer": "B3.2.03_PPUB", "efuse": 1, "blType": 1, "enforce": 2, "lastRst": "200000001", "recov": "linux+4.20.0+Firmware-Build+2321", "idSwitch": 0, "permReq": 0, "perm": "none"}, "sku": "s955840", "softwareVer": "soho+22.29.10+2023-10-09-2b3f87f75e8+Firmware-Build+4863", "subModSwVer": {"nav": "soho-nav+22.29.10+ubuntu-HEAD-2b3f87f75e8+4863", "mob": "22.29.10+ubuntu-HEAD-2b3f87f75e8+4863", "bmp": "2.0.1+ubuntu-HEAD-2b3f87f75e8+4863", "pwr": "2.0.1+ubuntu-HEAD-2b3f87f75e8+4863", "sft": "1.4.0+ubuntu-HEAD-9a9a5d0c891+31", "mobBtl": "4.2", "linux": "linux+4.20.0+Firmware-Build+4863", "con": "3.14.4-tags/release-3.14.4@050d359d/ubuntu"}, "svcEndpoints": {"svcDeplId": "v007"}, "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "tls": {"tzbChk": 1, "privKType": 2, "lcCiphers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50380848]}, "twoPass": false, "tz": {"events": [{"dt": 1711972800, "off": 120}, {"dt": 1729990801, "off": 60}, {"dt": 1743296401, "off": 120}], "ver": 22}, "vacHigh": true}}}
2024-04-25 07:47:21.584 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Errorcode and notReady:0
2024-04-25 07:47:21.586 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Found Device: Matching device IP192.168.178.142
2024-04-25 07:47:21.586 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( saveMasterStateDevice called. FromonMessage:True and currentstate:Charging
2024-04-25 07:47:21.586 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Writing Master State Device:906502310:{"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 100, "batteryType": "F12432712", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-10-9", "mName": "Panasonic", "mDaySerial": 1351, "mData": "303031303035303300000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C3A0B0810140BD543B0002C078FE61A013CFC8828090000002E632C00000000", "cCount": 504, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 5, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 673, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 8, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 3213, "nAvail": 1430, "hOnDock": 23619, "avgMin": 183}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 119, "nMssnF": 129, "nMssnC": 372, "nMssnOk": 268, "aMssnM": 278, "nMssn": 769}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 94, "nGoodLmrks": 137, "aGain": 19, "aExpo": 55}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [46, 4, 17, 9, 46, 1010, 17, 17, 46, 5]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 203, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 188, "nSafRst": 7, "safCauses": [20, 21, 21, 21, 37, 21, 21, 10773, 10773, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 1, "nMBStll": 3277, "nPanics": 3767, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 196, "nOpticalDD": 143, "nPiezoDD": 3, "nWStll": 15, "nScrubs": 161, "nEvacs": 1398, "nStuck": 183, "nCliffsF": 241408, "nCliffsR": 0}, "bbswitch": {"nBumper": 1023371, "nDrops": 2505, "nDock": 98, "nSpot": 556, "nClean": 115}, "bbsys": {"min": 50, "hr": 25282}, "behaviorFwk": null, "bin": {"present": true, "full": false}, "binPause": true, "cap": {"carpetBoost": 1, "binFullDetect": 2, "oMode": 2, "dockComm": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 3, "pmaps": 10, "mc": 2, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 2, "team": 1, "pp": 0, "pose": 2, "lang": 2, "gentle": 1, "5ghz": 1, "prov": 3, "sched": 2, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 0, "ns": 1, "tileScan": 1}, "carpetBoost": false, "childLock": false, "chrgLrPtrn": 2, "cleanMissionStatus": {"cycle": "none", "phase": "charge", "expireM": 0, "rechrgM": 0, "error": 0, "notReady": 0, "condNotReady": [], "mssnM": 0, "expireTm": 0, "rechrgTm": 0, "mssnStrtTm": 1713973918, "operatingMode": 0, "initiator": "localApp", "nMssn": 769, "missionId": "01HW8CWY9G4DT2GZ4EGP04HX8W"}, "cleanSchedule2": [], "cloudEnv": "prod", "connected": true, "country": "DE", "deploymentState": 0, "dock": {"known": true, "pn": "4620621", "state": 301, "id": "10871872508810213514024156254111331918116", "fwVer": "4.8.6", "hwRev": 255, "varID": 0}, "evacAllowed": true, "ecoCharge": false, "featureFlags": {"pmapSharing": 0, "reachableSpaceFlags": 0, "wallE": 0, "astMotorStoppedStateEnable": true, "stratParams": 0, "childLockEnable": 1, "covHybridPlan": 0, "trainingStrategy": 1, "covPlan": 0, "chrgLrPtrnEnable": 1, "clearHaz": true}, "gentleMode": 0, "hwPartsRev": {"csscID": 1, "mobBrd": 7, "mobBlid": "C349A78EA7B952846DE203EAAF03E350", "imuPartNo": "BMI055", "lrDrv": "PCA9956B", "navSerialNo": "CE00B10ZD", "wlan0HwAddr": "50:14:79:73:cc:56", "NavBrd": 0}, "hwDbgr": null, "langs2": {"sVer": "1.0", "dLangs": {"ver": "0.33", "langs": ["ar-SA_1", "ar-SA_2", "cs-CZ_1", "cs-CZ_2", "da-DK_1", "da-DK_2", "de-DE_1", "de-DE_2", "en-GB_1", "en-GB_2", "en-US_1", "en-US_2", "es-ES_1", "es-ES_2", "es-XL_1", "es-XL_2", "fi-FI_1", "fi-FI_2", "fr-CA_1", "fr-CA_2", "fr-FR_1", "fr-FR_2", "he-IL_1", "he-IL_2", "it-IT_1", "it-IT_2", "ja-JP_1", "ja-JP_2", "ko-KR_1", "ko-KR_2", "nb-NO_1", "nb-NO_2", "nl-NL_1", "nl-NL_2", "pl-PL_1", "pl-PL_2", "pt-BR_1", "pt-BR_2", "pt-PT_1", "pt-PT_2", "ru-RU_1", "ru-RU_2", "sv-SE_1", "sv-SE_2", "tr-TR_1", "tr-TR_2", "zh-CN_1", "zh-CN_2", "zh-HK_1", "zh-HK_2", "zh-TW_1", "zh-TW_2"]}, "sLang": "en-US_1", "aSlots": 0}, "lastCommand": {"command": "dock", "time": 1713986971, "initiator": "localApp"}, "lastDisconnect": 4, "lidOpen": false, "mapUploadAllowed": true, "missionTelemetry": {"aux_comms": 1, "bat_stats": 1, "behaviors_report": 1, "camera_settings": 1, "coverage_report": 1, "hardknock_report": 1, "map_hypotheses": 1, "map_load": 1, "map_save": 1, "pmap_navigability": 1, "roomseg_report": 1, "sensor_stats": 1, "tumor_classifier_report": 1, "visual_stasis_report": 1, "vital_stats": 1, "vslam_report": 1}, "mssnNavStats": {"nMssn": 769, "missionId": "01HW8CWY9G4DT2GZ4EGP04HX8W", "gLmk": 137, "lmk": 67, "reLc": 0, "plnErr": "none", "mTrk": 94, "kdp": 0, "sfkdp": 0, "nmc": 1, "nmmc": 1, "nrmc": 0, "mpSt": "idle", "l_drift": 0, "h_drift": 0, "l_squal": 26, "h_squal": 0}, "name": "Top Roomba", "noAutoPasses": false, "openOnly": false, "optFeats": {"pmaps": null}, "pmapLearningAllowed": true, "pmaps": [{"kVRQbh7FTQC9cO3H9QOtDQ": "240424T194410"}], "pmapCL": true, "pmapSGen": 4, "pmapShare": {"copy": [1, 2, 4, 6], "share": null}, "rankOverlap": 15, "reflexSettings": {"rlWheelDrop": {"enabled": 1}}, "runtimeStats": {"min": 49, "sqft": 1089, "hr": 788}, "sceneRecog": null, "schedHold": false, "secureBoot": {"log": 2, "flip": 0, "sbl1Ver": "B3.2.02_PPUB", "stublVer": "B3.2.03_PPUB", "efuse": 1, "blType": 1, "enforce": 2, "lastRst": "200000001", "recov": "linux+4.20.0+Firmware-Build+2321", "idSwitch": 0, "permReq": 0, "perm": "none"}, "sku": "s955840", "softwareVer": "soho+22.29.10+2023-10-09-2b3f87f75e8+Firmware-Build+4863", "subModSwVer": {"nav": "soho-nav+22.29.10+ubuntu-HEAD-2b3f87f75e8+4863", "mob": "22.29.10+ubuntu-HEAD-2b3f87f75e8+4863", "bmp": "2.0.1+ubuntu-HEAD-2b3f87f75e8+4863", "pwr": "2.0.1+ubuntu-HEAD-2b3f87f75e8+4863", "sft": "1.4.0+ubuntu-HEAD-9a9a5d0c891+31", "mobBtl": "4.2", "linux": "linux+4.20.0+Firmware-Build+4863", "con": "3.14.4-tags/release-3.14.4@050d359d/ubuntu"}, "svcEndpoints": {"svcDeplId": "v007"}, "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "tls": {"tzbChk": 1, "privKType": 2, "lcCiphers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50380848]}, "twoPass": false, "tz": {"events": [{"dt": 1711972800, "off": 120}, {"dt": 1729990801, "off": 60}, {"dt": 1743296401, "off": 120}], "ver": 22}, "vacHigh": true}}}
2024-04-25 07:47:21.588 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Errorcode and notReady:0
2024-04-25 07:47:21.653 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Subscribed: 1 (0,)
2024-04-25 07:47:22.622 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Updating Master States....
2024-04-25 07:47:22.622 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( updateMasterStates called.
2024-04-25 07:47:22.624 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( saveMasterStateDevice called. FromonMessage:False and currentstate:None
2024-04-25 07:47:22.625 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Writing Master State Device:1705969687:{}
2024-04-25 07:47:22.626 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( saveMasterStateDevice called. FromonMessage:False and currentstate:Charging
2024-04-25 07:47:22.627 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Writing Master State Device:906502310:{"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 100, "batteryType": "F12432712", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-10-9", "mName": "Panasonic", "mDaySerial": 1351, "mData": "303031303035303300000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C3A0B0810140BD543B0002C078FE61A013CFC8828090000002E632C00000000", "cCount": 504, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 5, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 673, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 8, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 3213, "nAvail": 1430, "hOnDock": 23619, "avgMin": 183}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 119, "nMssnF": 129, "nMssnC": 372, "nMssnOk": 268, "aMssnM": 278, "nMssn": 769}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 94, "nGoodLmrks": 137, "aGain": 19, "aExpo": 55}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [46, 4, 17, 9, 46, 1010, 17, 17, 46, 5]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 203, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 188, "nSafRst": 7, "safCauses": [20, 21, 21, 21, 37, 21, 21, 10773, 10773, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 1, "nMBStll": 3277, "nPanics": 3767, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 196, "nOpticalDD": 143, "nPiezoDD": 3, "nWStll": 15, "nScrubs": 161, "nEvacs": 1398, "nStuck": 183, "nCliffsF": 241408, "nCliffsR": 0}, "bbswitch": {"nBumper": 1023371, "nDrops": 2505, "nDock": 98, "nSpot": 556, "nClean": 115}, "bbsys": {"min": 50, "hr": 25282}, "behaviorFwk": null, "bin": {"present": true, "full": false}, "binPause": true, "cap": {"carpetBoost": 1, "binFullDetect": 2, "oMode": 2, "dockComm": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 3, "pmaps": 10, "mc": 2, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 2, "team": 1, "pp": 0, "pose": 2, "lang": 2, "gentle": 1, "5ghz": 1, "prov": 3, "sched": 2, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 0, "ns": 1, "tileScan": 1}, "carpetBoost": false, "childLock": false, "chrgLrPtrn": 2, "cleanMissionStatus": {"cycle": "none", "phase": "charge", "expireM": 0, "rechrgM": 0, "error": 0, "notReady": 0, "condNotReady": [], "mssnM": 0, 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"langs": ["ar-SA_1", "ar-SA_2", "cs-CZ_1", "cs-CZ_2", "da-DK_1", "da-DK_2", "de-DE_1", "de-DE_2", "en-GB_1", "en-GB_2", "en-US_1", "en-US_2", "es-ES_1", "es-ES_2", "es-XL_1", "es-XL_2", "fi-FI_1", "fi-FI_2", "fr-CA_1", "fr-CA_2", "fr-FR_1", "fr-FR_2", "he-IL_1", "he-IL_2", "it-IT_1", "it-IT_2", "ja-JP_1", "ja-JP_2", "ko-KR_1", "ko-KR_2", "nb-NO_1", "nb-NO_2", "nl-NL_1", "nl-NL_2", "pl-PL_1", "pl-PL_2", "pt-BR_1", "pt-BR_2", "pt-PT_1", "pt-PT_2", "ru-RU_1", "ru-RU_2", "sv-SE_1", "sv-SE_2", "tr-TR_1", "tr-TR_2", "zh-CN_1", "zh-CN_2", "zh-HK_1", "zh-HK_2", "zh-TW_1", "zh-TW_2"]}, "sLang": "en-US_1", "aSlots": 0}, "lastCommand": {"command": "dock", "time": 1713986971, "initiator": "localApp"}, "lastDisconnect": 4, "lidOpen": false, "mapUploadAllowed": true, "missionTelemetry": {"aux_comms": 1, "bat_stats": 1, "behaviors_report": 1, "camera_settings": 1, "coverage_report": 1, "hardknock_report": 1, "map_hypotheses": 1, "map_load": 1, "map_save": 1, "pmap_navigability": 1, "roomseg_report": 1, "sensor_stats": 1, "tumor_classifier_report": 1, "visual_stasis_report": 1, "vital_stats": 1, "vslam_report": 1}, "mssnNavStats": {"nMssn": 769, "missionId": "01HW8CWY9G4DT2GZ4EGP04HX8W", "gLmk": 137, "lmk": 67, "reLc": 0, "plnErr": "none", "mTrk": 94, "kdp": 0, "sfkdp": 0, "nmc": 1, "nmmc": 1, "nrmc": 0, "mpSt": "idle", "l_drift": 0, "h_drift": 0, "l_squal": 26, "h_squal": 0}, "name": "Top Roomba", "noAutoPasses": false, "openOnly": false, "optFeats": {"pmaps": null}, "pmapLearningAllowed": true, "pmaps": [{"kVRQbh7FTQC9cO3H9QOtDQ": "240424T194410"}], "pmapCL": true, "pmapSGen": 4, "pmapShare": {"copy": [1, 2, 4, 6], "share": null}, "rankOverlap": 15, "reflexSettings": {"rlWheelDrop": {"enabled": 1}}, "runtimeStats": {"min": 49, "sqft": 1089, "hr": 788}, "sceneRecog": null, "schedHold": false, "secureBoot": {"log": 2, "flip": 0, "sbl1Ver": "B3.2.02_PPUB", "stublVer": "B3.2.03_PPUB", "efuse": 1, "blType": 1, "enforce": 2, "lastRst": "200000001", "recov": 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2024-04-25 07:47:22.629 iRobot-Roomba Debug ( Errorcode and notReady:0

Posted on
Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:24 am
GlennNZ offline
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Re: iRoomba iRobot Plugin


First thoughts

The deviceStartComm:536): {'': []}

Is there for both devices, but is the same - and same IP address oddly…

I suspect that is the issue - did you swap one device for another at some point?

Seems like the IP address of both devices in the states are the same IP address? If that is the case then will connect to one, but fail on 2nd (as we are seeing) as is trying the same IP address.

Either that or SSL connection is simply not working/connecting, which may relate to some system based SSL settings.

I would disable the device not working, and re-create a new device with the correct IP address setup and see what happens?

Also could try downloading mapping data from icloud for this device as well - can’t see anything wrong here - but that is why you have square bracket after the IP address.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Posted on
Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:44 am
Argelix offline
Posts: 14
Joined: Dec 08, 2016

Re: iRoomba iRobot Plugin

GlennNZ wrote:
The deviceStartComm:536): {'': []}

Is there for both devices, but is the same - and same IP address oddly…

Ah, I see. Yeah, that makes no sense at all.

GlennNZ wrote:
I suspect that is the issue - did you swap one device for another at some point?

No, I haven't touched the config in years.

GlennNZ wrote:
Seems like the IP address of both devices in the states are the same IP address?

Do you mean in "Custom states" in the UI? They show up correctly.

GlennNZ wrote:
Either that or SSL connection is simply not working/connecting, which may relate to some system based SSL settings.

Are you aware of any incompatibilities? I hadn't noticed back then, but checking modification dates it seems to have stopped working when I updated Indigo to 2023.2 (I probably also updated all the plugins). I seem to remember that from then on there was no more need to install paho-mqtt. I don't know what it does, but "MQTT New Connection" shows up in the log, so I guess it has to do with connections. Since I had it running before I would think that "pip3 list" would show paho-mqtt, but it doesn't. I just updated pip3 (can't hurt), I don't know how to update all the installed packages and since I don't see anything with "Mqtt" in it I didn't update anything in there

The Mac is still at Ventura 13.6.6. There is a post where Indigo recommends not upgrading to Sonoma.

GlennNZ wrote:
I would disable the device not working, and re-create a new device with the correct IP address setup and see what happens?

I had tried that.

Posted on
Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:11 am
GlennNZ offline
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iRoomba iRobot Plugin

Indigo 2023.2 Plugins, including this one should install their own libraries - only one custom installed here is paho-mqtt. So won’t show on pip3 list but is there.

You have one iroomba working? So that answers pretty much all the setup, library questions.

If above is Yes - Comes back to this one iroomba not connecting - with startup messaging having same IP address as the older one.

The SSL incompatibilities come like the wind and aren’t particularly predictable given OSX versioning. Given one working would seem less likely.

Could try rebooting irooomba - various models
Have different ways of doing it. Often just hold down main button for 10 secs until noise.

Then Would disable current problematic device. Delete config ini file for this device. Leave device SSL switch on.

Would setup new device with correct IP, icloud password get, get mapping favourites icloud data.
Restart plugin and see what debug logging shows

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Posted on
Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:06 am
Argelix offline
Posts: 14
Joined: Dec 08, 2016

Re: iRoomba iRobot Plugin

I think it's a lost cause. I deleted it from indigo, (including deleting the .ini files), did a factory reset, started all over... still the exact same result. With one Roomba working the other one should be working; something must have happened during the indigo update. Probably my best bet would be to install Sonoma and hope it somehow cleans up whatever was leftover, but I am really wary of that. So for now I'll just let it be and revisit some day.

Thanks for your help,

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