Line breaks in Multi-Line text?

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Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:08 am
autolog offline
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Line breaks in Multi-Line text?

Is it possible to specify line breaks in multi-line text?

I am setting up text in a variable that I am trying to display i in a Multiline Text chart.
I have tried using \n but that just gets displayed in the chart.

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Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:58 am
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Line breaks in Multi-Line text?

Hi Jon - I'm using the textwrap() library which strips all '\n' new line characters in the source and then inserts them back it at 'n' characters (effectively making each line as close to the number of specified characters as possible). Let me play with the library a bit to see if there's a way to insert a control character into the text that will be honored by the library.

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Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:32 pm
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Line breaks in Multi-Line text?

DaveL17 wrote:
Hi Jon - I'm using the textwrap() library which strips all '\n' new line characters in the source and then inserts them back it at 'n' characters (effectively making each line as close to the number of specified characters as possible). Let me play with the library a bit to see if there's a way to insert a control character into the text that will be honored by the library.

Turns out that there's no facility to deal with this directly, but I've ginned up a simple bit of code that may suffice. Please try to break it.

Code: Select all
import textwrap
new_text = ""
new_line = "\n\n"

old_text = u'Greetings\rProfessor\nFalken.[BREAK]Would you like to play a game?[BREAK]How about a nice game of chess?'

for item in old_text.split('[BREAK]'):
    new_text += str(textwrap.fill(item, 35)) + new_line
print new_text.rstrip("\n\n")

Code: Select all
Mar 20, 2017, 2:30:07 PM
untitled text 3
Greetings Professor Falken.

Would you like to play a game?

How about a nice game of chess?

[ETA: fixes semi-bodged line in the script.]

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