Prism Reflector Public Beta Accepting New Accounts

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Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:36 pm
matt (support) offline
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Prism Reflector Public Beta Accepting New Accounts

I am very pleased to announce that we have completed our Reflector server migration. With the additional server and bandwidth capacity now available, we have re-opened the beta to accept new accounts and new reflectors. Additionally, two days ago we released new versions of Indigo 5.1 and Indigo 6 that improve reflector stability and security.

While the service is up and stable like usual, it is still in beta and thus still free during the beta period. No credit card information is needed to sign-up for trial.

Not sure what Reflectors are all about? They give you secure remote access from anywhere using your browser or Indigo Touch (iPhone, iPad, etc.) to Indigo on your Mac. It is the best and simplest way to get connected to your Indigo controlled home from anywhere.


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