Error on startup

Posted on
Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:53 am
webdeck offline
Posts: 436
Joined: May 07, 2005

Re: Error on startup

Again, not sure how you have it configured, since you deviated from the provided instructions. Search for the homebridge.log file.

Posted on
Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:16 am
farberm offline
Posts: 393
Joined: Feb 24, 2008

Re: Error on startup

no such file.

I am pretty sure I installed the following from the website on home bridge

This is the start of allowing homebridge to launch at boot. This first push supports only OS X by way of launchd and forever. It basically uses launchd to launch forever to keep it alive and push out logs.

The app will now log to $approot/log/logs.log and $approot/log/errors.log.

In addition to all of this, I've added Scripts to Rule Them All, a really nice pattern for maintaining and running things in any language.


The new scripts included allow us the bootstrap the app, upgrade the app, boot the app, install the app, uninstall the app, and restart the app. Here's some brief descriptions:

script/bootstrap - Guards to make sure forever is installed, installs node packages, and creates the config.json file if it doesn't already exist.
script/server - This boots homebridge using forever. If the environment is development the app loads in place and logs to stdout. You can simply If the environment is production, it daemonizes and is monitored and kept alive by forever.
script/install - This generates (based on the template org.homebridge.plist) a launchd script to load into your system to have it start right away and on boot. The script simply launches script/server with the production environment, causing it to daemonize.
script/uninstall - Stops the app with forever, stops the process in launchd, and removes the launchd script from the installed place.
script/restart - runs script/uninstall and then script/uninstall.
script/upgrade - does a git pull on the current branch, an npm update, and then runs script/restart.
Arch Support

As this pull is being made, only OS X (darwin) is supported for installing. Though I am going to have a linux version of all of this submitted before this should land.

But as of now, this works on OS X.

/cc @nfarina @lukeredpath

Posted on
Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:24 am
webdeck offline
Posts: 436
Joined: May 07, 2005

Re: Error on startup

Those aren't my instructions, so I don't know where it is sticking the log files. You should ask the person who created those instructions over on github.

Posted on
Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:25 am
farberm offline
Posts: 393
Joined: Feb 24, 2008

Re: Error on startup

ok thx. will work on it/ At least it is now working.

Appreciate your help

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