Beacons all go away at one time

Posted on
Tue Aug 29, 2017 3:44 pm
Sharek326 offline
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Beacons all go away at one time

I have been testing PiBeacon for several days and I have only one small problem so far. It appears that every now and then all the beacons just go away at one time. Both are hanging on a keychain about 12 inches from the Pi. I don't see anything odd in the Event log. What can I look at to narrow down why this is going on?

Posted on
Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:36 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: Beacons all go away at one time

i need a little more info.

-could you switch on debug for ...(3) beacon data (enable send log to file, then all pibeacon log output gets send to ~/Documents/piBeacon/piBeacon.log)
-and how many RPI do you have?
- what are the time outs in beacon device edit?


Posted on
Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:16 pm
Sharek326 offline
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Re: Beacons all go away at one time

Thanks for the help. This is what the logfile added. Currently I have only one Pi setup and it is in the Garage. I have two beacons 1 XY2 and 1 Tile Mate. Both are attached to keys hanging in the garage about 12 inches from where the Pi is. Not sure I know what you mean by the timeouts if you mean the transition time up or down it is set to 90

22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''
22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''
22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''
22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''
22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''
22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''
22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''
22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''
22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''
22:02:22 -in Line '1102:'No JSON object could be decoded' will try again
22:02:23 -/Users/serveradmin/documents/piBeacon/RPIconf file does not exist or has bad data, will do a new setup
22:02:25 -new py programs etc will be send to rPis
22:02:25 -new versions send to rPis
22:02:55 - waiting for reboot, no changes in up--> down status for another 89[secs]
21:11:39 printing dev info for-Pi Server/792291625 -------------------------------
21:11:39 props: -
com.karlwachs.piBeacon : (dict)
BLEserial : sequential (string)
PosXYZ : 0,0,0 (string)
SupportsBatteryLevel : false (bool)
address : B8:27:EB:33:7E:15 (string)
beaconTxPower : 999 (integer)
deltaChangedSensor : 5 (integer)
expirationTime : 90 (string)
fastDown : 0 (string)
ipNumberPi : (string)
passwordPi : trustno1 (string)
sendToIndigoSecs : 90 (integer)
sensorRefreshSecs : 20 (integer)
shutDownPinInput : -1 (string)
shutDownPinOutput : -1 (string)
signalDelta : 999 (string)
typeOfBeacon : rPi (string)
updateSignalValuesSeconds : 300 (integer)
userIdPi : pi (string)
21:11:39 states: -
States : (dict)
Pi_0_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_0_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_0_Time : (string)
Pi_1_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_1_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_1_Time : (string)
Pi_2_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_2_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_2_Time : (string)
Pi_3_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_3_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_3_Time : (string)
Pi_4_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_4_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_4_Time : (string)
Pi_5_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_5_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_5_Time : (string)
Pi_6_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_6_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_6_Time : (string)
Pi_7_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_7_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_7_Time : (string)
Pi_8_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_8_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_8_Time : (string)
Pi_9_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_9_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_9_Time : (string)
PosX : 0 (integer)
PosY : 0 (integer)
PosZ : 0 (integer)
TxPowerReceived : 0 (integer)
TxPowerSet : 999 (integer)
UUID : (string)
created : 2017-08-25 22:38:05 (string)
groupMember : (string)
i2cActive : (string)
lastStatusChange : 2017-08-29 19:25:52 (string)
note : Pi-0 (string)
online : up (string)
pkLen : 0 (integer)
status : up (string)
21:11:39 description:-rPi-0-
21:11:39 address: -B8:27:EB:33:7E:15
21:11:39 deviceTypeId:-rPI
21:11:39 enabled: -True
21:11:39 model: -rPI
21:11:42 printing dev info for-Karles Beacon/223684888 -------------------------------
21:11:42 props: -
com.karlwachs.piBeacon : (dict)
IgnoreBeaconIfSignalLessThan : -999 (string)
MSG : OK (string)
SupportsBatteryLevel : false (bool)
UUID : 07775dd0111b11e491910800200c9a66-9002-3364 (string)
address : 00:EA:23:2A:0D:24 (string)
beaconTxPower : 999 (integer)
created : 0 (integer)
expirationTime : 90 (integer)
fastDown : 0 (string)
fastDownMinSignal : -999 (integer)
ignore : 0 (integer)
memberOfFamily : true (bool)
memberOfGuests : false (bool)
memberOfOther1 : false (bool)
memberOfOther2 : false (bool)
msg : (string)
newMACNumber : 00:EA:23:2A:0D:24 (string)
note : beacon (string)
signalDelta : 999 (integer)
typeOfBeacon : xy (string)
updateSignalValuesSeconds : 0 (integer)
uuid : 07775dd0111b11e491910800200c9a66-9002-3364 (string)
21:11:42 states: -
States : (dict)
Pi_0_Distance : 1.0 (real)
Pi_0_Signal : -56 (integer)
Pi_0_Time : 2017-08-29 21:11:07 (string)
Pi_1_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_1_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_1_Time : (string)
Pi_2_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_2_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_2_Time : (string)
Pi_3_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_3_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_3_Time : (string)
Pi_4_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_4_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_4_Time : (string)
Pi_5_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_5_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_5_Time : (string)
Pi_6_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_6_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_6_Time : (string)
Pi_7_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_7_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_7_Time : (string)
Pi_8_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_8_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_8_Time : (string)
Pi_9_Distance : 99999 (real)
Pi_9_Signal : -999 (integer)
Pi_9_Time : (string)
PosX : 0 (integer)
PosY : 0 (integer)
PosZ : 0 (integer)
TxPowerReceived : -60 (real)
TxPowerSet : 999 (integer)
UUID : 07775dd0111b11e491910800200c9a66-9002-3364 (string)
closestRPI : 0 (integer)
closestRPIText : pi0 (string)
created : 2017-08-25 22:38:05 (string)
groupMember : Family (string)
lastStatusChange : 2017-08-29 19:25:52 (string)
note : beacon-xy (string)
pkLen : 30 (integer)
status : up (string)
21:11:42 description:-07775dd0111b11e491910800200c9a66-9002-3364
21:11:42 address: -00:EA:23:2A:0D:24
21:11:42 deviceTypeId:-beacon
21:11:42 enabled: -True
21:11:42 model: -beacon
21:11:50 -variable changed-----------------------------------
description :
folderId : 653667612
globalProps : MetaProps : (dict)
id : 1979335511
name : pi_IN_Alive
pluginProps : com.karlwachs.piBeacon : (dict)
readOnly : False
remoteDisplay : True
value : {"program":"master","i2c":[],"ipAddress":"","pi":"0","ts":"1504055510=EDT"}
21:12:02 -variable changed-----------------------------------
description :
folderId : 653667612
globalProps : MetaProps : (dict)
id : 1381965065
name : pi_IN_0
pluginProps : com.karlwachs.piBeacon : (dict)
readOnly : False
remoteDisplay : True
value : {"msgs":[["F8:AD:03:97:25:54",1,"0-0-0",-61.0,101.0,19,"",13],["00:EA:23:2A:0D:24",1,"0-0-0",-55.2,-60.0,51,"",30]],"ts":"1504055521=EDT","secsCol":"54","mac":"B8:27:EB:33:7E:15","program":"beaconloop","pi":"0","ipAddress":""}

Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:39 am
kw123 offline
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Re: Beacons all go away at one time

this indicates something is wrong with the install:
Code: Select all
22:00:58 -in Line '2641' has error=''Plugin' object has no attribute 'RPI''

As I am back now will post a version later today that should check on these conditions.

Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:39 am
Sharek326 offline
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Re: Beacons all go away at one time

I think that was in the log already from the first day of setup. should I delete the file completely ?

Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:42 am
kw123 offline
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Re: Beacons all go away at one time

Wait until later today. I will post a new version that has some added checks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:02 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: Beacons all go away at one time

Sharek326 !
could you download the new version .136.
It should do some more checks and hopefully should fix your issues.


Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:31 pm
Sharek326 offline
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Re: Beacons all go away at one time

Awesome just installed it. I will let you know what happens. Thanks again for all you do.

Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:01 pm
Sharek326 offline
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Re: Beacons all go away at one time

A few minutes after the update the house went away

Trigger Media Room Lights On (Recessed)
Z-Wave sent "Media Light" on
Z-Wave received "Foyer Motion Sensor" status update is on
Z-Wave received "Media Room - Motion Sensor" status update is on
WebServer request to set variable "pi_IN_Alive" value to "{"program":"master","i2c":[],"ipAddress":"","pi":"0","ts":"1504133927=EDT"}" from
Trigger Garage Door Closed
Z-Wave received "Media Room Door Sensor" status update is off
uniFiAP in Line '2136' has error='u'vap_table''

Aug 30, 2017, 6:59:39 PM
Z-Wave received "Media Bath Motion Sensor" status update is on
Trigger Media Room Bath - Timer Start Motion On (After 10)
Z-Wave sent "Powder Light" on
Trigger Media Room Bath - Timer Start Light On (After 10 AM)
Z-Wave sent "Powder Light" on
Trigger Good Bye Joe
Trigger Pi Beacon Away
Trigger Away
Action Group Away
Sent Hue Lights "Living Room - Lamp" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Cynical SecuritySpy Error in set_arm: Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../Server Plugin/cyin/", line 58, in diagnostic_log
File ".../Server Plugin/cyin/", line 68, in diagnose_call
return method(*args, **kwargs)
File "", line 221, in set_arm
self.spy_camera.set_arm(action.type, value)
File ".../Server Plugin/spy/", line 316, in set_arm
error("arm request not supported on version %d of SecuritySpy", self.spy.version)
NameError: global name 'error' is not defined

Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Lux 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Lux 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bedroom Lamp (Joe)" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 3" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room - Couch Lamp" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "TV Lightstrip" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Bookshelf Light" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 3" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Dinning Room Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Dinning Room Recepticle (Wax Burner)" off
Z-Wave sent "Dinning Room Recepticle (Xmas Tree)" off
Z-Wave sent "Foyer Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Foyer Recepticle (Xmas)" off
Z-Wave sent "Kitchen Island Fan Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Kitchen Recpticle (Coffee Pot)" off
Z-Wave sent "Kitchen Sink" off
Z-Wave sent "Laundry Room Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Living Room Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Living Room Recepticle (TV East Wall)" off
Z-Wave sent "Living Room Recepticle (Xmas Tree)" off
Z-Wave sent "Master Bath Recepticle" off
Z-Wave sent "Master Bedroom Lamp" off
Z-Wave sent "Master Bedroom Light " off
piBeacon fingscan plugin not reachable
Z-Wave sent "Powder Fan" off
Z-Wave sent "Powder Heat" off
Z-Wave sent "Powder Light" off
Trigger Stop Media Bath Timer
Trigger Media Room Bath - Light Off
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Media Room- Reading Lamp" off
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 3" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Media Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Media Pendant" off
Z-Wave sent "Utility Room" off
Z-Wave sent "Outside Deck " off
Z-Wave sent "Outside Front GFI" off
Z-Wave sent "Outside Front Porch" off
Z-Wave sent "Outside Front Soffit Lights" off
Z-Wave sent "Outside Spotlights Back" off
Z-Wave sent "Front Door" lock
Z-Wave Lock Manager Status: Door is locked [Node: 70]
Z-Wave Lock Manager Latch open, Bolt locked, Door open [Node: 70]
Z-Wave Lock Manager Status: Door is locked [Node: 70]
Z-Wave Lock Manager Latch open, Bolt locked, Door open [Node: 70]
Z-Wave sent "Garage Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Powder Light" off
Schedule Total Energy (Kwh) Today
Schedule Total Power Currently
Schedule Internet Connection
Schedule Total Power Currently C1
Schedule Total Power Currently C2
Script publicIpnumber:
Z-Wave received "Media Room - Motion Sensor" status update is off
WebServer request to set variable "pi_IN_0" value to "{"msgs":[["F8:AD:03:97:25:54",1,"0-0-0",-54.5,101.0,26,"",13],["00:EA:23:2A:0D:24",1,"0-0-0",-74.0,-60.0,47,"",30]],"ts":"1504134005=EDT","secsCol":"60","mac":"B8:27:EB:33:7E:15","program":"beaconloop","pi":"0","ipAddress":""}" from
Trigger Welcome Home Joe
Trigger Welcome Home Karle
Trigger Good Bye Karle
Z-Wave received "Powder Light" status update is on
Trigger Media Room Bath - Timer Start Light On (After 10 AM)
Z-Wave sent "Powder Light" on
piBeacon fingscan plugin not reachable
Trigger Pi Beacon Home
Trigger Home
Action Group Home Status
Z-Wave sent "Kitchen Recpticle (Coffee Pot)" on
Z-Wave received "Media Room - Motion Sensor" status update is on
Z-Wave received "Powder Light" status update is off
Trigger Stop Media Bath Timer
Trigger Media Room Bath - Light Off
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Powder Light" off
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 3" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.

Aug 30, 2017, 7:00:30 PM
Z-Wave received "Foyer Motion Sensor" status update is on
Z-Wave received "Minimote" button 1 pressed
Trigger Make Up - Button 1
Zwave Scene Controller Error Error in plugin execution ReceivedBroadcast:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 72, in zwaveCommandReceived
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 1" on to 100 at ramp rate 2.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 2" on to 100 at ramp rate 2.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Lux 1" on to 100 at ramp rate 2.0 sec.
Z-Wave received "Minimote" button 1 pressed
Trigger Make Up - Button 1
Zwave Scene Controller Error Error in plugin execution ReceivedBroadcast:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 72, in zwaveCommandReceived
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Lux 2" on to 100 at ramp rate 2.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 1" on to 100 with RGB values 248, 248 and 255 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 2" on to 100 with RGB values 248, 248 and 255 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 1" on to 100 at ramp rate 2.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 2" on to 100 at ramp rate 2.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Lux 1" on to 100 at ramp rate 2.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Lux 2" on to 100 at ramp rate 2.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 1" on to 100 with RGB values 248, 248 and 255 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 2" on to 100 with RGB values 248, 248 and 255 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave received "Media Room - Motion Sensor" status update is off
Z-Wave received "Foyer Motion Sensor" status update is off
WebServer request to set variable "pi_IN_0" value to "{"msgs":[["F8:AD:03:97:25:54",1,"0-0-0",-52.6,101.0,22,"",13],["00:EA:23:2A:0D:24",1,"07775dd0111b11e491910800200c9a66-9002-3364",-71.3,-60.0,50,"",30]],"ts":"1504134066=EDT","secsCol":"60","mac":"B8:27:EB:33:7E:15","program":"beaconloop","pi":"0","ipAddress":""}" from

Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:36 pm
kw123 offline
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Location: Dallas, TX

Re: Beacons all go away at one time

the pibeacon part of the log file looks correct.
Code: Select all
WebServer request to set variable "pi_IN_0" value to "{"msgs":[["F8:AD:03:97:25:54",1,"0-0-0",-54.5,101.0,26,"",13],["00:EA:23:2A:0D:24",1,"0-0-0",-74.0,-60.0,47,"",30]],"ts":"1504134005=EDT","secsCol":"60","mac":"B8:27:EB:33:7E:15","program":"beaconloop","pi":"0","ipAddress":""}" from
these are regular messages from the RPI.

could you elaborate on:
A few minutes after the update the house went away

if you mean this:
Code: Select all
Trigger Good Bye Joe
Trigger Pi Beacon Away
Trigger Away
Action Group Away
I would need more time stamps .. easer if you switch pibeacon logging to file on.


if you do not use FINGSCAN, please switch off fingscan trigger in pibeacon config
Code: Select all
piBeacon fingscan plugin not reachable

it looks as if there are some other errors:

==> uniFiAP in Line '2136' has error='u'vap_table''.. if this happens once it is ok, if it repeats we need to look into it .

==> NameError: global name 'error' is not defined.. this is an error from security spy .

==> Zwave Scene Controller Error Error in plugin execution ReceivedBroadcast:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 72, in zwaveCommandReceived
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

don't know where this comes from .. some zwave plugin ..

May I suggest to switch off the pibeacon logging of the web server change variables tracking. you can do this in the plugin menu " replace web server ...". then you need to restart indigo server and the messages will not show up anymore. As long as you only have 1 RPi and 2 beacons, it is likely not an issue.


Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:02 pm
Sharek326 offline
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Location: Lansford, PA

Re: Beacons all go away at one time

Switched the ;logging as you suggested

Aug 30, 2017, 7:53:45 PM
piBeacon /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/IndigoWebServer/indigopy/ has been replace with modified version(logging suppressed)
piBeacon the original has been renamed to, you will need to restart indigo server to activate new version
piBeacon to go back to the original version replace/rename the new version with the saved .../IndigoWebServer/indigopy/ file

It appears to be going Away more often and faster since the Update. On average it would happen a few times a day. Since the update about an hour ago it has went away 4 times.

Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:04 pm
Sharek326 offline
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Posts: 377
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Location: Lansford, PA

Re: Beacons all go away at one time

Right after the Indigo Restart it again went away. It seems like its showing my beacon away in the log yet my wife's is still Up so it shouldn't even be triggering it

Aug 30, 2017, 8:01:11 PM
Z-Wave received "Foyer Motion Sensor" status update is on
Z-Wave received "Media Room - Motion Sensor" status update is on
Trigger Good Bye Joe
Trigger Pi Beacon Away
Trigger Away
Action Group Away
Sent Hue Lights "Living Room - Lamp" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Cynical SecuritySpy Error in set_arm: Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../Server Plugin/cyin/", line 58, in diagnostic_log
File ".../Server Plugin/cyin/", line 68, in diagnose_call
return method(*args, **kwargs)
File "", line 221, in set_arm
self.spy_camera.set_arm(action.type, value)
File ".../Server Plugin/spy/", line 316, in set_arm
error("arm request not supported on version %d of SecuritySpy", self.spy.version)
NameError: global name 'error' is not defined

Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Lux 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Lux 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Dinning Room Light" off
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bedroom Lamp (Joe)" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Dinning Room Recepticle (Wax Burner)" off
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room Bath 3" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Dinning Room Recepticle (Xmas Tree)" off
Sent Hue Lights "Master Bath Hue 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Room - Couch Lamp" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Foyer Light" off
Sent Hue Lights "TV Lightstrip" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Media Bookshelf Light" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Foyer Recepticle (Xmas)" off
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 1" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 2" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Kitchen Island Fan Light" off
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 3" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "Kitchen Recpticle (Coffee Pot)" off
Z-Wave sent "Kitchen Sink" off
Z-Wave sent "Laundry Room Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Living Room Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Living Room Recepticle (TV East Wall)" off
Z-Wave sent "Living Room Recepticle (Xmas Tree)" off
Z-Wave sent "Master Bath Recepticle" off
Z-Wave sent "Master Bedroom Lamp" off
Z-Wave sent "Master Bedroom Light " off
Z-Wave sent "Powder Fan" off
Z-Wave sent "Powder Heat" off
Z-Wave sent "Powder Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Media Room- Reading Lamp" off
Z-Wave sent "Media Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Media Pendant" off
Z-Wave sent "Utility Room" off
Z-Wave received "Media Bath Motion Sensor" status update is on
Trigger Media Room Bath - Timer Start Motion On (After 10)
Z-Wave sent "Outside Deck " off
Z-Wave sent "Outside Front GFI" off
Z-Wave sent "Outside Front Porch" off
Z-Wave sent "Outside Front Soffit Lights" off
Z-Wave sent "Outside Spotlights Back" off
Z-Wave received "Media Room Door Sensor" status update is on
Trigger Media Room Lights On (Recessed)
Z-Wave sent "Front Door" lock
Z-Wave sent "Garage Light" off
Z-Wave sent "Powder Light" on
Trigger Media Room Bath - Timer Start Light On (After 10 AM)
Z-Wave Lock Manager Status: Door is locked [Node: 70]
Z-Wave Lock Manager Latch open, Bolt locked, Door open [Node: 70]
Z-Wave sent "Media Light" on
Z-Wave sent "Powder Light" on
Z-Wave received "Outside Front Porch" power load to 0.000 W
Z-Wave received "Media Room Door Sensor" status update is off
Z-Wave received "Master Bedroom - Luminance" sensor update to 0 lux
Z-Wave received "Master Bedroom - Temperature" sensor update to 71.6 °F
Z-Wave received "Master Bedroom - Humidity" sensor update to 55%
Z-Wave received "Kitchen Motion Sensor" status update is on
Trigger Turn Kitchen Light On
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 1" on to 20 at ramp rate 3.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 2" on to 20 at ramp rate 3.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 3" on to 20 at ramp rate 3.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 1" on to 58 with hue 28° saturation 35% at ramp rate 3.0 sec.
Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 1" states set to Preset 8 (Kitchen Light Brown) at ramp rate 3 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 2" on to 58 with hue 28° saturation 35% at ramp rate 3.0 sec.
Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 2" states set to Preset 8 (Kitchen Light Brown) at ramp rate 3 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 3" on to 58 with hue 28° saturation 35% at ramp rate 3.0 sec.
Hue Lights "Kitchen Sofet 3" states set to Preset 8 (Kitchen Light Brown) at ramp rate 3 sec.
Schedule Total Energy (Kwh) Today
Schedule Total Power Currently
Schedule Total Power Currently C1
Schedule Total Power Currently C2
Z-Wave received "Media Bath Luminance" sensor update to 139 lux
Z-Wave received "Media Bath Humidity" sensor update to 69%
Z-Wave received "Media Bath Temperature" sensor update to 70.3 °F
Z-Wave received "Media Room - Motion Sensor" status update is off
Z-Wave received "Backdoor - Door/Window" status update is on
Trigger Backdoor Sensor (Lights On)
Trigger Garage Door Sensor - "Push" Open
Z-Wave sent "Outside Spotlights Back" on
Trigger Outside Spotlight Back Light Timer Start
Z-Wave received "Media Bath Motion Sensor" status update is off
Z-Wave received "Utility Luminance" sensor update to 0 lux
Z-Wave received "Utility Humidity" sensor update to 46%
Z-Wave received "Utility Temperature" sensor update to 78.5 °F
Z-Wave received "Foyer Motion Sensor" status update is off

Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:20 pm
kw123 offline
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Location: Dallas, TX

Re: Beacons all go away at one time

could you post or email your trigger settings and the details of the ibeacon devices= edit screen
and when the trigger fires, what are the ibeacon device states?

do you have logging enabled? if yes: you could you use indigo utilities to print the device states changes for the 2 ibeacons?


Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:31 pm
kw123 offline
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Location: Dallas, TX

Re: Beacons all go away at one time

with indigo utilities you could create a report like this:
Code: Select all
 1728389 | 2017-06-18-19:14:45 | down   | 2017-06-18 19:14:44
 1728544 | 2017-06-18-19:42:18 | down   | 2017-06-18 19:42:18
 1749455 | 2017-06-22-07:10:24 | down   | 2017-06-22 07:10:24
 1752958 | 2017-07-06-10:25:45 | down   | 2017-07-06 10:25:45
 1767103 | 2017-07-09-09:37:53 | down   | 2017-07-09 09:37:53
 1767297 | 2017-07-09-10:51:48 | down   | 2017-07-09 10:51:48
 1767623 | 2017-07-09-12:54:17 | down   | 2017-07-09 12:54:17
 1768031 | 2017-07-09-15:23:56 | down   | 2017-07-09 15:23:56
 1768507 | 2017-07-09-18:15:51 | down   | 2017-07-09 18:15:50
 1768570 | 2017-07-09-18:40:14 | down   | 2017-07-09 18:40:14
 1768725 | 2017-07-09-19:42:53 | down   | 2017-07-09 19:42:53
 1768993 | 2017-07-09-21:12:54 | down   | 2017-07-09 21:12:54
 1769156 | 2017-07-09-22:15:39 | down   | 2017-07-09 22:15:39
 1769979 | 2017-07-10-03:26:08 | down   | 2017-07-10 03:26:07
 1770105 | 2017-07-10-04:11:37 | down   | 2017-07-10 04:11:37
 1770778 | 2017-07-10-08:23:28 | down   | 2017-07-10 08:23:27
 1770830 | 2017-07-10-08:40:34 | down   | 2017-07-10 08:40:34
 1770850 | 2017-07-10-08:45:36 | down   | 2017-07-10 08:45:35
 1770853 | 2017-07-10-08:47:41 | down   | 2017-07-10 08:47:41
 1771465 | 2017-07-10-12:52:41 | down   | 2017-07-10 12:52:41
 1771559 | 2017-07-10-13:01:15 | down   | 2017-07-10 13:01:15
 1772521 | 2017-07-10-19:41:58 | down   | 2017-07-10 19:41:58
 1772635 | 2017-07-10-20:26:23 | down   | 2017-07-10 20:26:23
 1772698 | 2017-07-10-20:54:56 | down   | 2017-07-10 20:54:56
 1772968 | 2017-07-10-22:39:06 | down   | 2017-07-10 22:39:06
 1773016 | 2017-07-10-22:59:24 | down   | 2017-07-10 22:59:23
 1773156 | 2017-07-10-23:59:51 | down   | 2017-07-10 23:59:50
 1827446 | 2017-07-25-02:11:49 | down   | 2017-07-25 02:11:49
 1828492 | 2017-07-25-13:42:39 | down   | 2017-07-25 13:42:39
 1873983 | 2017-08-07-12:57:12 | down   | 2017-08-07 12:57:12

Code: Select all
 1728390 | 2017-06-18-19:14:47 | up     | 2017-06-18 19:14:47
 1728472 | 2017-06-18-19:30:21 | up     |
 1728545 | 2017-06-18-19:43:42 | up     | 2017-06-18 19:43:42
 1749457 | 2017-07-05-16:57:58 | up     | 2017-07-05 16:57:58
 1752960 | 2017-07-06-10:40:14 | up     | 2017-07-06 10:40:14
 1754711 | 2017-07-06-19:48:54 | up     | 2017-07-06 10:40:14
 1754719 | 2017-07-06-19:53:23 | up     | 2017-07-06 10:40:14
 1767104 | 2017-07-09-09:38:08 | up     | 2017-07-09 09:38:08
 1767298 | 2017-07-09-10:52:03 | up     | 2017-07-09 10:52:03
 1767624 | 2017-07-09-12:54:19 | up     | 2017-07-09 12:54:18
 1768032 | 2017-07-09-15:24:00 | up     | 2017-07-09 15:24:00
 1768508 | 2017-07-09-18:16:06 | up     | 2017-07-09 18:16:06
 1768571 | 2017-07-09-18:40:15 | up     | 2017-07-09 18:40:15
 1768726 | 2017-07-09-19:42:56 | up     | 2017-07-09 19:42:56
 1768994 | 2017-07-09-21:13:01 | up     | 2017-07-09 21:13:01
 1769980 | 2017-07-10-03:26:18 | up     | 2017-07-10 03:26:18
 1770106 | 2017-07-10-04:11:45 | up     | 2017-07-10 04:11:45
 1770779 | 2017-07-10-08:23:29 | up     | 2017-07-10 08:23:29
 1770807 | 2017-07-10-08:36:37 | up     |
 1770831 | 2017-07-10-08:40:35 | up     | 2017-07-10 08:40:35
 1770851 | 2017-07-10-08:45:46 | up     | 2017-07-10 08:45:46
 1770854 | 2017-07-10-08:47:48 | up     | 2017-07-10 08:47:48
 1771466 | 2017-07-10-12:52:45 | up     | 2017-07-10 12:52:45
 1771506 | 2017-07-10-12:57:05 | up     |
 1771561 | 2017-07-10-13:02:46 | up     | 2017-07-10 13:02:46
 1772470 | 2017-07-10-19:22:58 | up     | 2017-07-10 19:22:58
 1772522 | 2017-07-10-19:42:09 | up     | 2017-07-10 19:42:09
 1772636 | 2017-07-10-20:26:38 | up     | 2017-07-10 20:26:38
 1772699 | 2017-07-10-20:55:01 | up     | 2017-07-10 20:55:01
 1772969 | 2017-07-10-22:39:10 | up     | 2017-07-10 22:39:10
 1773017 | 2017-07-10-22:59:25 | up     | 2017-07-10 22:59:25
 1808293 | 2017-07-20-10:46:51 | up     | 2017-07-17 05:47:55
 1808294 | 2017-07-20-10:49:41 | up     | 2017-07-17 05:47:55
 1828273 | 2017-07-25-12:22:28 | up     | 2017-07-25 07:15:28
 1843387 | 2017-07-29-09:14:18 | up     | 2017-07-25 17:26:23
 1863295 | 2017-08-04-08:22:02 | up     | 2017-08-04 08:22:00
 1873985 | 2017-08-29-17:40:53 | up     | 2017-08-29 17:40:53

with this query:
Screen Shot 2017-08-30 at 19.29.13.png
Screen Shot 2017-08-30 at 19.29.13.png (113.41 KiB) Viewed 3332 times

and the same with value to be compared to= "up"

then we can see if the i-beacon goes up and down..


Posted on
Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:48 pm
Sharek326 offline
User avatar
Posts: 377
Joined: Jul 20, 2014
Location: Lansford, PA

Re: Beacons all go away at one time

like this? had to cut off a few rows too many characters for the forum

id ts pi_0_distance pi_0_signal pi_0_time pi_1_distance pi_1_signal pi_1_time pi_2_distance pi_2_signal pi_2_time pi_3_distance pi_3_signal pi_3_time pi_4_distance pi_4_signal pi_4_time pi_5_distance pi_5_signal pi_5_time pi_6_distance pi_6_signal pi_6_time pi_7_distance pi_7_signal pi_7_time pi_8_distance pi_8_signal pi_8_time pi_9_distance pi_9_signal pi_9_time posx posy posz txpowerreceived txpowerset uuid closestrpi closestrpitext created groupmember laststatuschange note pklen status
---------- ------------------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ----------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 2017-08-26 02:38:05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2017-08-26 02:38:05 0 -59 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi=0 2017-08-25 beacon-oth 13 up
3 2017-08-26 02:38:06 287353.4 -59 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 beacon-oth 13 up
4 2017-08-26 02:38:06 287353.4 -59 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 13 up
5 2017-08-26 02:38:08 287353.4 -44 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 13 expired
6 2017-08-26 02:38:38 287353.4 -54 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 13 up
7 2017-08-26 02:39:03 287353.4 -54 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 13 up
8 2017-08-26 02:39:38 287353.4 -50 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 13 up
9 2017-08-26 02:40:06 287353.4 -54 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 13 up
10 2017-08-26 02:41:06 287353.4 -51 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 13 up
11 2017-08-26 02:42:06 287353.4 -49 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:42 beacon-oth 13 expired
12 2017-08-26 02:43:06 287353.4 -57 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:43 beacon-oth 13 up
13 2017-08-26 02:44:06 287353.4 -56 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:43 beacon-oth 13 up
14 2017-08-26 02:45:07 287353.4 -52 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:43 beacon-oth 13 up
15 2017-08-26 02:46:41 287353.4 -52 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed -1 pi-1 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:46 beacon-oth 13 down
16 2017-08-26 02:47:16 287353.4 -43 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:47 beacon-oth 13 expired
17 2017-08-26 02:48:17 287353.4 -51 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:48 beacon-oth 13 up
18 2017-08-26 02:48:33 287353.4 -52 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:48 beacon-oth 13 up
19 2017-08-26 02:48:42 287353.4 -54 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:48 beacon-oth 13 up
20 2017-08-26 02:49:20 287353.4 -48 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:49 beacon-oth 13 expired
21 2017-08-26 02:49:37 287353.4 -50 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:49 beacon-oth 13 up
22 2017-08-26 02:50:21 287353.4 -54 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:49 beacon-oth 13 up
23 2017-08-26 02:51:06 287353.4 -54 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:49 beacon-oth 13 up
24 2017-08-26 02:51:52 287353.4 -55 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:49 beacon-oth 13 up
25 2017-08-26 02:52:52 287353.4 -56 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:49 beacon-oth 13 up
26 2017-08-26 02:53:44 287353.4 -53 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:49 beacon-oth 13 up
27 2017-08-26 02:54:44 287353.4 -51 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:49 beacon-oth 13 up
28 2017-08-26 02:56:16 287353.4 -51 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed -1 pi-1 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:56 beacon-oth 13 down
29 2017-08-26 02:56:29 287353.4 -61 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:56 beacon-oth 13 up
30 2017-08-26 02:57:15 287353.4 -56 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:56 beacon-oth 13 up
31 2017-08-26 02:57:59 287353.4 -54 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:56 beacon-oth 13 up
32 2017-08-26 02:58:47 287353.4 -57 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:56 beacon-oth 13 up
33 2017-08-26 02:59:35 287353.4 -57 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:56 beacon-oth 13 up
34 2017-08-26 03:00:28 287353.4 -56 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:56 beacon-oth 13 up
35 2017-08-26 03:01:14 287353.4 -36 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:01 beacon-oth 13 expired
36 2017-08-26 03:02:14 287353.4 -31 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:01 beacon-oth 13 expired
37 2017-08-26 03:03:33 287353.4 -34 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:01 beacon-oth 13 expired
38 2017-08-26 03:04:15 287353.4 -34 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:01 beacon-oth 13 expired
39 2017-08-26 03:04:37 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
40 2017-08-26 03:05:37 287353.4 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
41 2017-08-26 03:06:37 287353.4 -65 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
42 2017-08-26 03:07:37 287353.4 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
43 2017-08-26 03:07:44 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
44 2017-08-26 03:08:44 287353.4 -62 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
45 2017-08-26 03:09:44 287353.4 -65 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
46 2017-08-26 03:10:23 287353.4 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
47 2017-08-26 03:11:00 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
48 2017-08-26 03:11:44 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
49 2017-08-26 03:12:31 287353.4 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
50 2017-08-26 03:13:24 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
51 2017-08-26 03:14:25 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
52 2017-08-26 03:15:25 287353.4 -69 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
53 2017-08-26 03:16:10 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
54 2017-08-26 03:16:59 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
55 2017-08-26 03:18:02 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
56 2017-08-26 03:18:58 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
57 2017-08-26 03:19:37 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
58 2017-08-26 03:20:37 287353.4 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
59 2017-08-26 03:21:22 287353.4 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
60 2017-08-26 03:21:37 287353.4 -65 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
61 2017-08-26 03:22:37 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
62 2017-08-26 03:23:38 287353.4 -65 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
63 2017-08-26 03:24:38 287353.4 -65 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
64 2017-08-26 03:25:38 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
65 2017-08-26 03:26:38 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
66 2017-08-26 03:27:39 287353.4 -69 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
67 2017-08-26 03:28:39 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
68 2017-08-26 03:29:39 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
69 2017-08-26 03:29:51 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
70 2017-08-26 03:30:39 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
71 2017-08-26 03:31:39 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
72 2017-08-26 03:32:30 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
73 2017-08-26 03:33:26 287353.4 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
74 2017-08-26 03:34:18 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
75 2017-08-26 03:34:37 287353.4 -63 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
76 2017-08-26 03:35:19 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
77 2017-08-26 03:36:07 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
78 2017-08-26 03:36:57 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
79 2017-08-26 03:37:52 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
80 2017-08-26 03:38:15 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
81 2017-08-26 03:39:15 287353.4 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
82 2017-08-26 03:40:02 287353.4 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
83 2017-08-26 03:41:03 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
84 2017-08-26 03:41:44 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
85 2017-08-26 03:42:30 287353.4 -69 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
86 2017-08-26 03:43:31 287353.4 -65 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
87 2017-08-26 03:44:14 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
88 2017-08-26 03:45:00 287353.4 -66 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
89 2017-08-26 03:45:42 287353.4 -65 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
90 2017-08-26 03:46:33 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
91 2017-08-26 03:47:34 287353.4 -65 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
92 2017-08-26 03:48:34 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
93 2017-08-26 03:48:42 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
94 2017-08-26 03:49:25 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
95 2017-08-26 03:49:37 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
96 2017-08-26 03:50:23 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
97 2017-08-26 03:51:23 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
98 2017-08-26 03:52:13 287353.4 -68 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
99 2017-08-26 03:53:13 287353.4 -67 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up
100 2017-08-26 03:54:02 287353.4 -65 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 101 999 01060303ed 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 23:04 beacon-oth 13 up

Z-Wave received "Media Room - Motion Sensor" status update is off
Trigger Media Light Timer Start
id ts pi_0_distance pi_0_signal pi_0_time pi_1_distance pi_1_signal pi_1_time pi_2_distance pi_2_signal pi_2_time pi_3_distance pi_3_signal pi_3_time pi_4_distance pi_4_signal pi_4_time pi_5_distance pi_5_signal pi_5_time pi_6_distance pi_6_signal pi_6_time pi_7_distance pi_7_signal pi_7_time pi_8_distance pi_8_signal pi_8_time pi_9_distance pi_9_signal pi_9_time posx posy posz txpowerreceived txpowerset uuid closestrpi closestrpitext created groupmember laststatuschange note pklen status
---------- ------------------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ----------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 2017-08-26 02:38:05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2017-08-26 02:38:05 0 -50 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi=0 2017-08-25 beacon-oth 30 up
3 2017-08-26 02:38:05 2.9 -50 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 beacon-oth 30 up
4 2017-08-26 02:38:06 2.9 -50 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
5 2017-08-26 02:38:06 2.9 -48 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
6 2017-08-26 02:38:08 2.9 -57 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
7 2017-08-26 02:38:36 2.9 -43 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
8 2017-08-26 02:38:37 2.9 -40 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
9 2017-08-26 02:38:38 2.9 -43 2017-08-25 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
10 2017-08-26 02:39:03 2.9 -43 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
11 2017-08-26 02:39:38 2.9 -49 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
12 2017-08-26 02:40:06 2.9 -52 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
13 2017-08-26 02:41:06 2.9 -49 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
14 2017-08-26 02:42:06 2.9 -49 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
15 2017-08-26 02:43:06 2.9 -49 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
16 2017-08-26 02:44:06 2.9 -53 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
17 2017-08-26 02:45:07 2.9 -56 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
18 2017-08-26 02:45:42 2.9 -57 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
19 2017-08-26 02:46:42 2.9 -56 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
20 2017-08-26 02:47:16 3.4 -61 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
21 2017-08-26 02:48:17 3.4 -61 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
22 2017-08-26 02:48:33 2.9 -55 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
23 2017-08-26 02:48:42 2.9 -56 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
24 2017-08-26 02:49:20 2.9 -55 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
25 2017-08-26 02:49:37 2.9 -58 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
26 2017-08-26 02:50:21 2.9 -56 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
27 2017-08-26 02:51:06 2.9 -55 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
28 2017-08-26 02:51:52 2.9 -54 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
29 2017-08-26 02:52:52 2.9 -57 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
30 2017-08-26 02:53:44 3.2 -61 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
31 2017-08-26 02:54:44 2.9 -52 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
32 2017-08-26 02:55:27 2.9 -52 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
33 2017-08-26 02:56:25 2.9 -55 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
34 2017-08-26 02:56:29 2.9 -54 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
35 2017-08-26 02:57:15 2.9 -51 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
36 2017-08-26 02:57:59 2.9 -56 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
37 2017-08-26 02:58:47 4.6 -64 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
38 2017-08-26 02:59:36 28.4 -79 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
39 2017-08-26 03:00:28 46 -84 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
40 2017-08-26 03:01:14 48.3 -84 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
41 2017-08-26 03:02:14 39.1 -82 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
42 2017-08-26 03:03:33 41.1 -83 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
43 2017-08-26 03:04:15 41.7 -83 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
44 2017-08-26 03:04:37 2.9 -50 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
45 2017-08-26 03:05:37 2.9 -35 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
46 2017-08-26 03:06:37 40.2 -82 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
47 2017-08-26 03:07:37 27.9 -79 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
48 2017-08-26 03:07:44 16.1 -75 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
49 2017-08-26 03:08:44 40.2 -82 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
50 2017-08-26 03:09:44 31.9 -80 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
51 2017-08-26 03:10:23 36.5 -82 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
52 2017-08-26 03:10:23 8 -69 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
53 2017-08-26 03:11:00 36.2 -82 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
54 2017-08-26 03:11:44 37.9 -82 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
55 2017-08-26 03:12:31 28.7 -80 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
56 2017-08-26 03:13:24 33 -81 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
57 2017-08-26 03:14:25 33 -81 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
58 2017-08-26 03:15:25 29 -80 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
59 2017-08-26 03:16:10 27 -79 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
60 2017-08-26 03:16:12 40.5 -83 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
61 2017-08-26 03:17:00 29.3 -80 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
62 2017-08-26 03:18:04 31.6 -80 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
63 2017-08-26 03:18:58 29.3 -80 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
64 2017-08-26 03:19:37 37.1 -82 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
65 2017-08-26 03:20:37 47.1 -84 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
66 2017-08-26 03:21:05 47.1 -84 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
67 2017-08-26 03:21:37 33.3 -81 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
68 2017-08-26 03:22:37 51.7 -85 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
69 2017-08-26 03:23:38 45.1 -83 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
70 2017-08-26 03:24:38 40.5 -83 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
71 2017-08-26 03:25:38 37.9 -82 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
72 2017-08-26 03:26:38 49.4 -84 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up
73 2017-08-26 03:27:38 36.2 -82 2017-08-25 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 99999 -999 0 0 0 -60 999 07775dd011 0 pi0 2017-08-25 Family 2017-08-25 22:38 beacon-oth 30 up

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