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Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 1:16 pm
by Gary_BBGames
You have 2 options. Use a reflector so it's a URL that can be reached from anywhere, or if using the Mac app too use the Home Remote: Remote functionality (looks like a double ended arrow in the iOS app). This will relay local commands from your iOS app to the Mac app which will then call them.

Home Remote: Remote uses an SSID list to know when you are at home. When at home it will just call from your device, when on a different network it will relay to the other clients.

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:49 pm
by autolog
OK - I will test it out tomorrow - thanks for the pointers :D

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:58 am
by autolog
Good news - I have got it to work :)

I have set-up an Indigo reflector and am using that as the URL and the triggers are now happening in Indigo.

So this seems a really simple and effective way to detect whether you are at home or not and doesn't involve any complicated mucking around with routers etc :D

However, it leads to another question / feature request: I only want to use the Reflector URL on the two Geofence actions (Enter & Exit) and for the remainder of the actions use the local LAN ip address as I will only ever use them when at home. At the moment the Indigo URL appears to be universal i.e. change it once and all actions are changed. Is there a way round this? If there was then it would allow for multiple Indigo servers to be accessed.

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:54 pm
by Gary_BBGames
Hey Jon,

Currently the URL you set once is the URL all actions use. I have had countless emails asking for action URLs to be set on a global basis rather than an individual one (for other action types) so figured it would be good to implement.... then you come along :)

As you already have the Mac version of Home Remote, I would just enable Home Remote: Remote and use a local URL rather than the reflector, and set up your SSID blacklist.

This way it will always use the best option, local when local, remote when remote and still no router messing around.

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:48 am
by autolog
I guess it is the way you implemented it - all or nothing :wink:

It still doesn't handle the multiple Indigo server use case AFAICS? If it did it would resolve the issue :)

Not sure how the Home Remote: Remote works and what other process are involved - how secure is my data and what route is it taking to get to Indigo?

I would really prefer to stay with using the standard Indigo Reflector as it will become an inclusive feature when the new subscription model is introduced.

Will you be running a new beta with improvements in at some point?

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:05 am
by Gary_BBGames
Ah fair enough. Home Remote: Remote does send all data over SSL sockets from one app to the other, and just sends an action ID rather than any credentials or information. If a receiving device on your local network has a match it will call that action locally.

I will be running another beta for 3.0, and will look at adding the SSID list so it knows when you are local to your home network, and can then use a local URL... Although no promises this will be in 3.0.

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:45 pm
by Gary_BBGames
Hey guys, not sure how many of you are on the beta list but geofences have had a large overhaul in terms of how they are added and removed (in code, not from a UI perspective).

I understand you guys have your own methods of doing sunrise and sunset times on geofence, but I have now added those too.

If you are on the beta list, can you please test it, and if you're feeling generous can you please test the hours of operation feature too please.

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:51 am
by Dewster35
I had a geofence setup for one of my actions previously but it never seemed to work. I now have one setup for hours of operation and and one from sunrise to sunset and both seem to work flawlessly.

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:07 am
by Gary_BBGames
Awesome, and your sun rise and set times are correct or not?

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:52 am
by rlust
I would like to be on the beta list. Happy to do some testing, IOS and MAC app

Re: Problem with Geofence

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:54 am
by Gary_BBGames
Hi RLust, if everything goes according to plan then the new release will be out tomorrow, if it's not I'll add you, but if it is then it will be easier to wait a day.
