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Latest version 1.03.03 - 'Too many queries' - bug fixes

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:39 am
by Chameleon
Hi all

The ** Too Many Queries ** bug has affected a few users. It's taken an age to work out exactly what's happening but after some support from those of you getting the error, I think I've finally isolated it. There appears to have been two errors that enabled me to find the actual bug. One was a typo and the other was a unreferenced variable.

Users who are getting this error will have a couple of things in common.

    1. They will be using the Tracking History functionality (or at least trying to)

    2. Will probably be using Metric as a measurement (but not necessarily)

The error is occurring because iFindStuff wasn't able to create a file called something like - /Users/Michael/Maps/db.track probably for one of two reasons:

    a) The Where would you like to store maps or tracking information field option is incorrectly entered. The folder doesn't exist or you don't have write access to it

    b) The Where would you like to store maps or tracking information field is blank

There must be a folder entered into this field if EITHER maps, tracking or both are enabled.

Here's a screenshot of my configuration fields:

Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 12.19.59.png
iFindStuff Configuration for Historical Tracking
Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 12.19.59.png (86.08 KiB) Viewed 17415 times

Notice that there is NO trailing '/' at the end of the folder path.

The latest version traps this error. You will now see the message: Access to:/Users/Michael/Maps/db.track successful - on-going track reporting switched on in the Indigo log if iFindStuff has correctly accessed the db.track file. Otherwise, you will see: Access to:/Users/Michael/Maps/db.track failed - on-going track reporting switched off as an iFindStuff error in red in the Indigo Log.

If you're getting the second error you need to check your configuration so that iFindStuff knows where to store the information for maps/tracking. In the meantime, iFindstuff will switch off the tracking until the error is resolved.

I've also updated the plugin and removed the typo errors for the most exotic errors that a couple of users were getting.

You can download version 1.03.03 from this link

What's new in version 1.03.01?

    Major bug fix for ** Too many queries ** error

    Minor typos and performance improvements

I've got one further release planned to resolve maps issues and consideration of the two-step authentication feature request which is a difficult nut to solve - but I'm sure I'll find a solution. I already have some ideas.

Anyway - thanks for your patience and support



Re: Latest version 1.03.03 - 'Too many queries' - bug fixes

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:31 am
by Sharek326
I am still getting Too Many Queries with Current Address even with the update and my setting were just like yours in the picture.