Pentair Intellitouch Plugin

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Posted on
Wed May 23, 2012 6:53 pm
bcall offline
Posts: 59
Joined: May 17, 2012

Pentair Intellitouch Plugin

I've written a plugin which updates variables in Indigo based on information from a pentair intellitouch pool controller (air temp, pool temp, relay statuses, etc). It uses a Pentair I-Link protocol adapter (serial) attached to an iTach (serial to IP gateway).

I just purchased indigo and I'm new to python, so my plugin is a work in progress, but it's getting the job done. I'd be happy to share it w anyone who's interested. I'd also be happy if someone more knowledgeable than I would take a look at it and give feedback on how I might improve it. :)

Posted on
Fri May 25, 2012 6:50 pm
Swancoat offline
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Re: Pentair Intellitouch Plugin

Well, I was going to make a new thread, but what the heck. I've written one too. (This is my luck. Took me forever to learn what I was doing, and by the time I finally got it done, so did someone else).

yergeyj has also already written one for Jandy equipment, which he modified for me (because the Pentair Serial protocol is about 95% identical). Well, it turns out that last 5% was kind of annoying, and I didn't want to keep bugging him to change bits and pieces for me, running two plugins in parallel. Also, he set it up where the pool equipment was a device itself with several state properties for the light, cleaner etc. Mine is set up a bit differently, where you define the serial connection in the pluginconfig, and then the spa, pool, lights, cleaner, etc... are all set up as devices.

There's a couple of included actions. There is "All Lights On" and "All Lights Off" which use the interfaces native command for such. Useful because turning on the spa light, then the pool light can let the Intellibrite light modes get slightly out of sync. Also, there is an action to change the mode of the Intellibrite lights (but it is never reported as a state, as that is not maintained by the serial interface).

The System's air temp sensor is reported in a variable that the plugin will create.

Finally, when setting up Pool and Spa, you have a choice of device type. Custom, or Relay. They both control on/off and have states for heat set point and current temp. These states are visible in Indigo if you choose Custom, but hidden if you use Relay (they are still accessible for triggers/etc though). The advantage to setting the devices up as Relay is that you can use the on/off buttons in Indigo and Indigo Touch to control them directly - which is something I was interested in for myself.

If you want a copy, send me your email in a PM (or tell me a good place to post these things).

bcall, apologies for the threadjack. If you think this should be a separate thread, let me know, and I'll start one.

Posted on
Sat May 26, 2012 3:11 am
bcall offline
Posts: 59
Joined: May 17, 2012

Re: Pentair Intellitouch Plugin

I'm happy to be threadjacked! Especially when you bring good news. I've been reworking my plugin with pyserial instead of direct tcp. It broke a bunch of things but is starting to come back to life. But I couldn't be happier to hear that yours is going. I'll pm you. :)


Posted on
Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:03 pm
tmneff offline
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Re: Pentair Intellitouch Plugin

I would be VERY VERY interested in either or both of these plugins! Thanks for working on them!

Posted on
Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:53 am
bcall offline
Posts: 59
Joined: May 17, 2012

Re: Pentair Intellitouch Plugin

I put up a link to the first version of the i-link plugin a few days ago.


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