Latest Version - Bug Fix 0.3.41

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Latest Version - Bug Fix 0.3.41

Post by Chameleon »

Hi all

This is a maintenance release to resolve a problem that a couple of users have had. It appears that if the patterns file becomes corrupt for some reason the plugin provides no options to fix it. To resolve this issue I've added a new feature Purge the Patterns Database to remove corrupt items command to the menu. Running this command will delete all of the current patterns in the database and effectively reset it back to it's initial state.

Before using this new command you might like to try the option of deleting each of your patterns individually to remove the offending pattern. You should be able to tell which pattern causes the issue as you run a command for a specific pattern you've created. I've added some additional error tracking into the plugin to help you identify the actual problem.

You can download the latest version 0.3.41 from this link: ...

There is NO requirement to upgrade from version 0.3.40 if you are not getting a Patterns or Change Light error in your log and I wouldn't recommend changing at this stage based on 'if it's not broken...' philosophy :D


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Re: Latest Version - Bug Fix 0.3.41

Post by UrsaGrey »

Sorry to bother you with a newbie problem. I am stumbling around in the dark (figuratively and literally) after getting a Zipato RGB bulb and subsequently discovering that it needs a lot of secret knowledge to get it working in Indigo. So I noticed your plugin and I'm hoping that helps.

I just downloaded the latest version and got it into Indigo. It seems however to have an installation problem:

2016-02-04, 17:39:31
Installing and enabling plugin "LED Light Manager" v0.3.41
Loading plugin "LED Light Manager 0.3.41"
Starting plugin "LED Light Manager 0.3.41" (pid 46193)
Started plugin "LED Light Manager 0.3.41"
LED Light Manager Updating your LED Manager to client version 4... Please wait...

That was about 45 minutes ago. Is it hung on something or is there just a completion message missing?

PS: Tried reloading, same problem. Also, it is not able to find the Zipato bulb, even though Indigo recognizes it.
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Re: Latest Version - Bug Fix 0.3.41

Post by mclass »

Hi Mike,

I've loaded 0.3.41 into Indigo 7 and get the following error:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1129, in runConcurrentThread
IOError: (2, 'No such file or directory', '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Logs/LEDManagerErrors.log')
There is no Indigo 6 on my server, so I'm wondering if there's a fix (other than creating the missing file in a new Indigo 6 directory)?
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