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NEST Home Error

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:23 am
by mwoodage
I've been getting errors with the Nest plugin over the last few days and can't workout whats causing it. Is anyone else having problems? Its very odd as sometimes its working and other times it just not doing anything.

I've turned on de-bugging and can see the following, it looks like it can't access the Nest API but i've re-set everything and even deleted the plug in and re-installed it.

2016-04-10 17:17:36.685 NEST Home Setting up the API...
2016-04-10 17:17:36.685 NEST Home Refreshing NEST map from
2016-04-10 17:17:37.181 NEST Home Problem accessing NEST API - try again in 60 seconds
2016-04-10 17:17:37.181 NEST Home Failed to access API - MAIN THREAD
2016-04-10 17:17:37.898 NEST Home GeoFences cannot be assigned - run iFindStuff and try again
2016-04-10 17:17:37.898 NEST Home Error Error in plugin execution GetUiDynamicList:

Traceback (most recent call last):
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: Expecting an object of type list; got an object of type NoneType instead

2016-04-10 17:17:42.185 NEST Home Setting up the API...
2016-04-10 17:17:42.185 NEST Home Refreshing NEST map from
2016-04-10 17:17:43.107 NEST Home Problem accessing NEST API - try again in 60 seconds

Can anyone help - its driving me mad!!


Re: NEST Home Error

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:35 am
by Chameleon
mwoodage wrote:
I've been getting errors with the Nest plugin over the last few days and can't workout whats causing it. Is anyone else having problems? Its very odd as sometimes its working and other times it just not doing anything.

I've turned on de-bugging and can see the following, it looks like it can't access the Nest API but i've re-set everything and even deleted the plug in and re-installed it.

2016-04-10 17:17:36.685 NEST Home Setting up the API...
2016-04-10 17:17:36.685 NEST Home Refreshing NEST map from
2016-04-10 17:17:37.181 NEST Home Problem accessing NEST API - try again in 60 seconds
2016-04-10 17:17:37.181 NEST Home Failed to access API - MAIN THREAD
2016-04-10 17:17:37.898 NEST Home GeoFences cannot be assigned - run iFindStuff and try again
2016-04-10 17:17:37.898 NEST Home Error Error in plugin execution GetUiDynamicList:

Traceback (most recent call last):
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: Expecting an object of type list; got an object of type NoneType instead

2016-04-10 17:17:42.185 NEST Home Setting up the API...
2016-04-10 17:17:42.185 NEST Home Refreshing NEST map from
2016-04-10 17:17:43.107 NEST Home Problem accessing NEST API - try again in 60 seconds

Can anyone help - its driving me mad!!



Sorry you've been having a frustrating problem! I'll try to solve it for you the best I can.

I need a little more information on what's happening and NEST Home has a special error tracking log that gives us more information on why it's failing to access the API.

You'll find that NEST keeps an error file at this location:

Code: Select all
/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Logs/

For example - /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Logs/NESTHome1Errors.log

It resets itself every day (to save on disc size) and also when NEST Home is first started.

What I suggest you do is restart NEST Home and then wait for the problem to arise. When it does this file should contain some very detailed tracking information that I can use to solve the problem for you. I suggest that you copy the contents of the file and error messages to the clipboard and then PM me with the a post containing the contents.

When I see what's causing the issue I'll work to resolve it as quickly as possible.



Re: NEST Home Error

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:36 am
by Chameleon
Martin (and others who see this problem)

Thanks for the file - just what I needed :D

I can see the problem and I think it's easy to fix. But it's better for me to respond in the forum because I can show you a screen dump.

Here's a summary:

There are two things going on and one of them is causing the other. First of all NEST Home can't get access to a file on your machine. It's looking for a directory /Users/NESTdb.track and that doesn't exist. I believe the reason is simple - you need to update your configuration for NEST Home and tell it where to put the tracking text file in a place that it can access and exists
On my system the path to the file is /Users/Michael/NESTMap which points to a folderI created in my user area under /Users/Michael/NESTMap. It's the bit in red that's missing.

Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 15.15.22.png
NEST Home Configuration
Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 15.15.22.png (104.53 KiB) Viewed 1300 times

So this is what I'd do....

    Using Finder create a directory under your User area to take the file. Navigate to your area (probably /Users/Martin) and then create a new folder using the file menu (I use NESTMap).

    Make sure you can navigate to the new folder

    run NEST Home

    Select Plugins/NEST Home/Configure... from the menu bar in Indigo

    Enter a value in the Text file Directory field to match what you've just created. e.g. /Users/Martin/NESTMap (N.B. don't add a '/' on the end)

    Finally click Save and all should work as normal

It might not work immediately as a fix which leads us to the second problem. Google doesn't like the API being hit too often and limits accesses to around one every 60 seconds. If you exceed this limit you'll get the 'Too Many Requests' error. All you can do in this case is wait for an hour or so WITHOUT NEXT HOME RUNNING and Google should forgive you and allow access again. Once Google is happy you system will work correctly.

The reason it happened in this case is because every time there was an error accessing the file it accessed the API to try again. Of course that could be many times a second and so Google stopped you. So long as the Configuration Option Time between Updates is set to 60 seconds or greater you shouldn't see this problem in the future.

Thanks for your patience. Give it a go. Let me know what happens...



Re: NEST Home Error

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:27 am
by mwoodage
It works!! :D Thank you so much, i didn't realise that you couldn't access more that once every minuite - that explains why sometimes it would work after shutting it down for a while.

Thanks for your help - great plugin BTY
