Changes to Thingspeak Terms of Service

Posted on
Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:07 pm
DaveL17 offline
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Changes to Thingspeak Terms of Service

I received the following notice from Thingspeak today.

To improve the performance of ThingSpeak for all users and to eliminate unused channels on ThingSpeak, we recently changed the policy regarding the number of channels a free user can create. Effective February 13, 2019, free ThingSpeak users will be limited to 4 channels. The vast majority of free ThingSpeak users have 4 or fewer channels on ThingSpeak which satisfies most applications.

Our records show that you currently have more than 4 channels. ThingSpeak will continue to collect data from all your existing channels. If you take no action, you will not be able to create new channels using the website or the API.

If you would like to create new channels, you have the following options:

Upgrade to a student or home license and receive 10 channels per unit purchased
Upgrade to a standard commercial license and receive 250 channels per unit purchased
Upgrade to an academic license (university credentials required) and receive 250 channels per unit purchased
Delete unused channels
If you continue to send data to more than 4 channels with the free service, ThingSpeak may stop collecting data on some of your channels at a future time. We recommend that you upgrade now to a paid ThingSpeak license or delete unused channels to avoid interruptions.

If you have any questions about this policy, please reply to this email. We will get back to you by email, or we can arrange a conference call to discuss your specific IoT application.

The ThingSpeak Team

Please note that the plugin does not have any safeguards with respect to these changes and -- as a result -- the plugin may display errors resulting from attempts to do more than your license level allows. I will have no ability to test API key levels within the plugin, so users will be responsible for ensuring that their use complies with these limitations. As of the time of this notice, a home license appears to be $95 per year for 10 channels, $190 for 20 channels, etc. A standard commercial license is $650 per year for 250 channels. I don't expect that a lot of users will pay for this service as there are other, less expensive alternatives available.

I will be making a separate announcement that I will be "abandoning" development on this plugin. I will continue to support it indefinitely and will attempt to fix any (non-license) bugs that crop up. I would strongly encourage existing users to look for alternatives.

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