Squeezebox Controller (V2.0.4) Available

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Re: Squeezebox Controller (V2.0.4) Available

Post by autolog »

Hi Chris,
I am glad you are finding it useful :)

I will look into the syncing issue and try and work out what is happening.

Can you give me some details about your setup, i.e.:
  • Hardware you are running LMS on
  • OSX version
  • Indigo version
  • Logitech Media Server version
  • Squeezebox models and how they are connected - wired or wi-fi
  • How many Squeezeboxes you have sync'd
When you have the problem, does it show itself straight away or does it drift over time?

Do the Squeezebox Players re-sync themselves if you press <- (back) to restart the track?

Feel free to PM me the info if you want. :)
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Re: Squeezebox Controller (V2.0.4) Available

Post by cconrad »

Well, false alarm, in the sense that I don't think my issue has anything to do with your plug-in. But for some reason, my SBs have lost their sync'ing talent. Sometimes they're able to stay in sync for a little while, then it gets progressively worse. Other times, they're out of sync from the very start. Rebooting all of the individual SBs doesn't seem to help. I also tried de-sync'ing, then re-sycning, and also tried just small 2-radio sync groups, to no avail. I'm using wifi everywhere. Have any of you had similar syncing issues? Thanks, -Chris
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Re: Squeezebox Controller (V2.0.4) Available

Post by pgershon »

Any thoughts on how to play Sirius XM on squeezebox after Sept 30 when Logitech discontinues support for the Sirius XM app for LMS? A bit off topic, but figure this is the right user base for this question.
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Re: Squeezebox Controller (V2.0.4) Available

Post by autolog »

pgershon wrote:Any thoughts on how to play Sirius XM on squeezebox after Sept 30 when Logitech discontinues support for the Sirius XM app for LMS? A bit off topic, but figure this is the right user base for this question.
I don't use Sirius but found this thread which seems to contain mixed messages :?
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Re: Squeezebox Controller (V2.0.4) Available

Post by editordz »

I love this plug-in, thank you so much!

For some reason, my players decide to disconnect randomly (?) every few days or so. A simple reload of the plugin will restore everything to normal. Here is my question/request: I have been trying to set up a trigger that will automatically reload the plugin when it detects the "disconnected" state of a player. However, I cannot figure out how to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or if it's not possible at this time, may I respect that feature to be maybe added in a future release of the plugin?

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Re: Squeezebox Controller (V2.0.4) Available

Post by autolog »

Thanks for the kind words :D

You can reload the plugin by executing an embedded Python script:

Code: Select all

squeezeboxPlugin = indigo.server.getPlugin("com.indigodomo.indigoplugin.autologsqueezeboxcontroller")
The plugin is just responding to disconnect messages received from the Logitech Media Server - Mine tends to do this as well and I don't know why. :?
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Re: Squeezebox Controller (V2.0.4) Available

Post by editordz »

Thanks Jon, that script works great!

I was facing another issue though. I created a trigger that monitors the state of one of the players. When it goes to "disconnected", it correctly triggers the script. Problem is, when it first encounters that change of state, whatever is wrong with the server may still be going on. So I implemented a trigger that fires every 15 minutes, and is conditional on the state being disconnected, which tries to restore the connection. I'll see how that plays out. Does anyone have a different approach that works well?

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Re: Squeezebox Controller (V2.0.4) Available

Post by autolog »

Hi Dan,

Why do you have to reload the Plugin when the player disconnects? Doesn't it reconnect after a certain period of time? I have one player that tends to disconnect now and again but then reconnects within 30 seconds or so. AFAIK disconnects are usually down to some sort of network problem e.g. poor wi-fi connection.

What does the Indigo Event log show when this happens?

Also, what version of the Logitech Media Server are you running and is it running on the same Mac as Indigo is running on?

I am running version: Logitech Media Server Version 7.8.1 - 1452060482 @ Wed Jan 6 19:03:46 PST 2016 (From Systems Preferences > Logitech Media Server > Information Tab)

If we can narrow down the issue and/or work out a better recovery method, I would be more than happy to update the Plugin to address this - just need to work out what is required :)
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