Voice control integration with Indigo / Raspberry Pi

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Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:23 pm
HBRuss offline
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Voice control integration with Indigo / Raspberry Pi

Stumbled across this, seems like it might be easy(ish) to integrate with Indigo? Granted I'm not smart enough to do it myself so I was just curious if some of the smart people here could weigh in on it...


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Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:55 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Voice control integration with Indigo / Raspberry Pi

Wow, you just cost me about 30 minutes of reading that site... :-) looks very interesting, though setup isn't quite as easy as it would first seem if you read through the documentation. The Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech engines must be downloaded and configured separately from the main app, but otherwise is straight forward. It would take writing a module for it in order to pass along commands to Indigo, but that is definitely doable.

I haven't looked at the licenses, but this could be an interesting project for someone to build and sell as a plug-and-play system to integrate with Indigo. MOST open source software allows you to charge a fee for configuration/distribution, so most likely it would be legitimate. I wonder how many people would be interested. Probably wouldn't make a lot of money, but might could get one free unit out of it or something.


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Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:45 pm
HBRuss offline
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Re: Voice control integration with Indigo / Raspberry Pi

I've already got the software up and running on my Pi, wasn't horrible. But yes it's more than a 30 minute job. But beyond the demo / baked functionality is where my expertise stops.

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Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:16 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Voice control integration with Indigo / Raspberry Pi

Yeah, I didn't think it would be horrible, but it didn't seem super intuitive to setup either - which speech-to-text engine did you use?

I think the "magic" where people would need it to be plug-and-play would be getting it to properly recognize and send commands to Indigo. Honestly, SENDING them isn't that bad, but properly recognizing the grammar and devices would be more of a challenge. It looked like their default word recognition would need some tweaking as it is designed for a smaller vocabulary and it would need to accurately determine which device you wanted to act upon. Not the end of the world, just... challenging.


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Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:42 pm
HBRuss offline
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Re: Voice control integration with Indigo / Raspberry Pi

I used Wit.ai for STT.

Personally, just sending commands and *some* form of ack would be great. Doesn't have to be spoken. Could just be a beep. The ability to use voice in the house to execute actions is huge.

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