Android Client

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Questions about hardware that can be controlled by Indigo (but not through the interfaces and plugins listed). If Indigo doesn't support some bit of hardware you're interested in, and you don't find a 3rd Party Plugin for it, add it to this forum. Be sure to include links to as much information as you can find about it.

Note: adding it here does not mean we're going to add it - in fact it's possible one of our 3rd party developers may decide to write a plugin for it. We add hardware/features based on a lot of different factors beyond just having a request for it.

Are you interested in a native Android App (a la Indigo Touch - Indigoid??)?


Posted on
Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:06 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Android Client

We have no plans for an Android client. Not sure how roussell's client is progressing. We've had a couple of other developer ask about APIs and we've provided the details to them but we've not heard back from them either.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:33 pm
CaliChris offline
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Re: Android Client

That is rather disappointing... More and more of your customers are going to move to Android over time. Also the super cheap sub-$100 Android tablets going around seem to be the perfect platform to use as home automation control panels. For that price you could even build them into walls. Indigo is missing the boat here. I understand the original decision to not pursue this years ago however by now I surely thought something would be in the works...

Posted on
Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:16 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Android Client

CaliChris wrote:
That is rather disappointing... More and more of your customers are going to move to Android over time. Also the super cheap sub-$100 Android tablets going around seem to be the perfect platform to use as home automation control panels. For that price you could even build them into walls. Indigo is missing the boat here. I understand the original decision to not pursue this years ago however by now I surely thought something would be in the works...

We would love to see an Android client, but at this point just don't have the resources to do it ourselves. Our iOS app right now is in major need of an overhaul, but first we have to ship v6 (and we need a better plugin store/portal for all of the 3rd party plugins, more Z-Wave support, ZigBee support, etc., etc.). Note you can still use Indigo on Android just fine (none of the functionality is missing) -- there just isn't a native app so you'll be using a browser instead.

And we'll happily work with anyone on the technical details that wants to do a native Android client.


Posted on
Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:03 pm
CaliChris offline
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Re: Android Client

Would you be OK with someone charging for an Android client but using the Indigo name and logo?

Posted on
Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:43 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Android Client

In as much as it would be a client for the Indigo software, then certainly using Indigo in the description would be fine (there was, in the beginning, an iOS client developed by a third party that he charged for). Positioning it as "the official" android client, however, including using Indigo in the title and using our graphics, would require more specific discussion/negotiation. As you might imagine, the Indigo brand is something that we need to protect.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:16 pm
gamefixer offline
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Re: Android Client

FWIW, I'd be up for paying for an Android Client as well.

I'm trying to move my Home Automation from a Windows based machine to my Mac but I'm stuck because my wife has an Andriod.

Posted on
Thu Sep 26, 2013 5:32 pm
ckeyes888 offline
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Re: Android Client

+1 for me on the Android client. Be happy to pay for it.

Seems inevitable.


Posted on
Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:29 am
kw123 offline
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Re: Android Client

How much ($) do you need to develop indigo, or is a question of allocating limited resources?

If its $ we could do a kickstarter like thing

If it is reallocation of limited resources, I would vote not right now


Posted on
Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:09 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Android Client

Some of both. Even if we had the cash, if it were an official Indigo solution, we would have to be involved in the design/development and probably eventually maintenance. Creating a solid solution for an entirely different platform (with multiple hardware targets) is going to be a nontrivial resource hit no matter how you slice it.

Ideally, I think we would work with an enterprising Android developer by supplying the protocol/technical details, then they would sell it as a 3rd party solution at a price that makes it worth their while to completely own the project (and provide updates, bug fixes, etc.).


Posted on
Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:37 am
RogueProeliator online
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Re: Android Client

Ideally, I think we would work with an enterprising Android developer by supplying the protocol/technical details, then they would sell it as a 3rd party solution at a price that makes it worth their while to completely own the project (and provide updates, bug fixes, etc.).

Unfortunately, I would question how many users would be interested and at what price point you could actually get people to purchase the app... and yes, I do think that reinforces your position of why you are not able to do one on your own. Most mobile developers are having to rely on selling lots of volume at low prices to make any money, and I just don't see the market as being big enough to really support the application. (Again, reinforcing your decision not to develop one internally).

That isn't to say someone wouldn't be interested at some point... plenty of plugins despite the fact that nobody is selling them! But a full mobile client is a lot of work and a whole different animal.

Someone mentioned a kickstarter campaign; that actually might be a decent way for a developer to gage interest and get some initial funds to setup a development environment (with the funds being basically pre-sells of licenses). If it isn't funded, nobody is out any money and if it is then great. Heck, I might talk myself into trying that one day... but it is a big commitment that someone would have to be prepared for!

Posted on
Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:40 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Android Client

Just to chime in here to add a bit of context on the resource discussion (which is the larger of the issues): 5 years ago when I joined Matt - Indigo was at v3 and the only real supported product (Serial Bridge was pretty much in maintenance mode). Since that time, we've added: Indigo Touch for iOS (2 major versions, 1.0 and 1.5), 3 major versions of Indigo, including adding Lite, Z-Wave, other significant functionality (folders, condition editor, etc.), a developer API, a handful of supported plugins which are basically small separate apps, and a complete rewrite of all documentation for all of it.

What many people seem to miss is that once you build something you have to maintain and support it (or discontinue it as we did with Serial Bridge). So adding all the stuff we've added over the past 5 years not only required development, test, and documentation time, but also additional incremental support and maintenance time.

It's safe to say that adding another completely new and different product using technology that would be new to us (Indigo Touch shares some Indigo code) is pretty much out of the question given current resources. And to consider adding resources, there has to be a compelling business case. Unfortunately, for an Android client there just doesn't yet appear to be.

Improvements to the IWS web pages may satisfy what little demand there seems to be and is something we might have the bandwidth to do in the next major Indigo release. But a native Android client from us doesn't seem to be in the cards anytime soon.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:48 pm
roussell offline
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Re: Android Client

Sorry everyone, just saw this post and it reminded me of this one...

I've been wrapped up in a lot of personal issues and haven't had the time to address it. The MacBook I was originally doing the work on is no-more, but let me see if I can dig up a copy of the code from Time Machine and get it out on Git so we can start playing. If I remember correctly I had the device screen functioning except for irrigation (or maybe it was HVAC) and the variable screen viewable. I'll have to get the time machine drive out of storage so it'll probably be tomorrow afternoon before I can put my hands on it.

Please remind me if I start slacking again - I need the distraction anyway...


Posted on
Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:52 pm
thomasw offline
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Re: Android Client

Here's to hoping that you can get an android app working Terry!
My iphone contract ends this november, and I REALLY want to move to an android cell phone.
For the house, it will always be Mac and Indigo!
Matt & Jay for President......LOL

Posted on
Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:26 am
durosity offline
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Re: Android Client

Fyi there's another android app being developed on here, have a search for housepad. (Although you are crazy for wanting to switch to an inferior system ;)

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