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Getting alerts with something throws an error in the logs

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 8:17 am
by Turribeach
Is there a way of getting an alert with something throws an error in the Indigo Server logs? I usually just do a quick scroll in the Event Log window to look for errors but I want to move to something more automated so I can review errors only when they happen rather than depending on me looking for them manually all the time. Sure there is a better way of doing this. I noticed Indigo highlights error log events in red so presumably it knows when an error happens, how can I hook into that? Thanks

Re: Getting alerts with something throws an error in the log

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 8:58 am
by jay (support)
The SQLLogger plugin has an event type that can be configured to fire on errors going into the log.

Re: Getting alerts with something throws an error in the log

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 9:15 am
by Turribeach
Many thanks Jay. I have been meaning to configure the SQLLogger plugin for ages, I even installed it, but never configured it. It's now working and the trigger event on error is exactly what I wanted! :mrgreen: