Easier Navigation Feature Request

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Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:42 am
John Martin offline
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Easier Navigation Feature Request

A simple feature request. In a system with only 1 control page, it would save clicks if Clicking on "Control Page(s)" would take you directly to that control page without requiring a stop at the Control Pages list of 1 page.

For returning to Devices, Actions/Scenes, or Variables, from the Control Page, it would be convenient to retain the row of icons at the bottom of those pages while in the Control Page as well, thereby allowing one-click access to all pages.

The height lost on the Control Page to the row of icons could be recovered by eliminating the "Control Pages" button and the page title (there;s only one) and the entire Title Bar.

Thanks for a great product.

John Martin

Posted on
Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:07 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Easier Navigation Feature Request

LOL - I've had those on the feature list since 1.0 - just haven't gotten around to it. We'll see if it makes the 2.0 short list... ;)

Thanks for the feedback.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:17 pm
madivad offline
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Re: Easier Navigation Feature Request

What about if there's online control page that when you go to the "control pages" page, it could just load by default. I mean if you're only running one, or at least only one visible control page, it could load automatically.

And while on navigation:

I have a hidden control page that sets a variable. You select the appropriate link from the first control page and it takes you to page two with a heap of radio type buttons. I would like an option (or command) that allows you to select the radio button and it return to the previous page. Even as a second action on the control would suffice. You can't load the first page again because that creates the page as a child when in fact we need to go back to the patent.

Posted on
Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:37 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Easier Navigation Feature Request

madivad wrote:
What about if there's online control page that when you go to the "control pages" page, it could just load by default. I mean if you're only running one, or at least only one visible control page, it could load automatically.

And that's different than the first request above how? (just want to make sure I'm not missing something)

madivad wrote:
I have a hidden control page that sets a variable. You select the appropriate link from the first control page and it takes you to page two with a heap of radio type buttons. I would like an option (or command) that allows you to select the radio button and it return to the previous page. Even as a second action on the control would suffice. You can't load the first page again because that creates the page as a child when in fact we need to go back to the patent.

So a "back" function. I'll add it to the list.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:52 pm
madivad offline
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Re: Easier Navigation Feature Request

Yep. It's the same. I got lost trying to understand the last paragraph (then figured it's a difference I don't see between the current version and the one he uses/used). By the time I got my head around it I forgot what it was about. My bad.

On #2, yeah, a back function is perfect

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