[ANSWERED] Can't connect problems

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Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:51 am
eagle63 offline
Posts: 2
Joined: Apr 30, 2014

[ANSWERED] Can't connect problems

I've been running Indigo for about 4 months now very successfully. I recently downloaded the Indigo Touch app for iOS, but I just can't seem to get it to connect. It doesn't discover it on my local network using Bonjour, and even if I manually add the server using the IP address it won't work. The only thing about my environment (that I can think of) which is slightly non-typical is that the Mac I'm using Indigo on is running OSX Server. (Lion) However, the firewall is turned off and I don't have any problems connecting to this machine using other services such as VNC, SMB, AFP, etc.

Anyone have any ideas? Is there something in Indigo I need to turn-on or enable in order for the mobile app to connect? Thnx,

Posted on
Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:07 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Can't connect problems

Can you access it from another Mac (or iPhone) via Safari? The default port is 8176.

And what do your settings look like in the Start Local Server dialog (via Indigo->Start Local Server menu item)?

Lastly, shutdown the Indigo Server, restart it, then copy/paste the Event Log contents into a reply for me. Maybe there will be a clue in there.


Posted on
Thu May 01, 2014 12:46 pm
eagle63 offline
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Re: [ANSWERED] Can't connect problems

Ok, I'm an idiot. :) When I went to Start Local Server it was using the first option which I can now clearly see doesn't enable remote capabilities. I restarted it using the 2nd option and now all is well.

Question: I see that I can now quit the Indigo application and the server process will still run. However, logging out does kill the server process - any chance we might see an enhancement to Indigo that would allow that process to keep running even on logout? (sort of like a Windows service?)

Thanks for the help!

Posted on
Thu May 01, 2014 3:50 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: [ANSWERED] Can't connect problems

Doubtful. There are a few posts that describe how to get Indigo to run as a daemon, but it disables plugins and AppleScript, so it's generally not a great solution. I'd recommend running it under a different user account and just use fast user switching to switch to the login screen. That way others can log in and would have less of a chance of effecting operation.

Of course, the best scenario is to run it on a dedicated Mac where nobody else needs to touch it... ;)

Jay (Indigo Support)
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