Indigo Touch 3.0

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Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:53 am
howartp offline
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Re: Indigo Touch 3.0

durosity wrote:
(At least according to the most recent analysis at my work which makes iOS and android apps.

Do they make Apple Watch apps? ;-) ;-)

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Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:54 am
durosity offline
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Re: Indigo Touch 3.0

bobeast wrote:
We just had an email today from someone asking why we support iOS since it's usage is "on the decline". That gave me a good chuckle.

Thanks for the chuckle :) As I understand it, gasoline use is on the decline as well. Clearly there is no profit in continuing to build ICEs.

And as the proud owner of an EV i fully believe ICE cars (or as I like to call them FECs.. Fume emitting cars cos ICE sounds too cool ;) should disappear as quickly as possible and all resources put towards improving battery life ;)

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Posted on
Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:56 am
durosity offline
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Re: Indigo Touch 3.0

howartp wrote:
durosity wrote:
(At least according to the most recent analysis at my work which makes iOS and android apps.

Do they make Apple Watch apps? ;-) ;-)

Hehe no! And it'd make no sense for them to make one either.. But I bet it won't stop them jumping on the band wagon.

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Posted on
Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:00 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Indigo Touch 3.0

Actually, I don't believe that's correct. I think usage of both platforms is increasing. Android might take a larger percentage of usage, but total usage is still increasing (I think)...

You are probably right, was thinking in terms of a percentage of users / new devices sold, to be honest. I'm sure the total numbers in both continue to rise for all as more countries are included in the technological and economical thresholds for the companies to enter.

The amount of android devices shipping is much much much higher, so naturally the percentage of users is increasing, but it'd seem that the vast majority of those people buying them aren't using them as smartphones. The amount of people actively using them for their intended purpose is pretty much on par with iOS. Also android users are still cheapskates compared to iOS, substantial less likely to pay for software and far more likely to pirate.(At least according to the most recent analysis at my work which makes iOS and android apps.. I'm sure different surveys make different conclusions, but that's the one I see the most often!)

I don't know if I would agree with that statement in terms of use as smart phones, but I suspect you are right in terms of active users; one thing is that people often have/use more than one Android as they have upgraded from a cheaper device that they keep around for kid, family member, whatever. Since many start with a cheaper Android (a mistake, but I digress), it is easier for them to upgrade at times than with an Apple product. Hard to get a measure on total number of active devices themselves, so anything is at best an estimate.

Honestly, the pirating is way, way overblown in all of the surveys that I have seen (their estimation techniques are often very suspect), but I think you are spot on in terms of iOS users being far more willing to pay for applications. Part of that is practical - from what I have seen the free apps in the Play Store seem to be better than the free apps in the App Store (a BIG generalization, I know, but in the times I have looked for apps for both for a specific purpose, that has been the case... such as network and database utilities); so it doesn't make sense to pay when there is a good free alternative. Unfortunately, that sometimes has driven out good apps and thus, at times, I have found the mid-range apps on iOS to be better than similar on Android.

Obviously the good names are quality on both and if you are willing to pay the same, you get about the same experience. I know I jest and love Android, but I do like iOS and use an iPad and develop iOS apps at work and enjoy that too. They each have their benefits and at the end of the day both are quality products that do the same thing (again, if you compare apples to apples, not a $70 android tablet to a $700 iPad)... just personal preference.

[finalJab]Except with you upgrade to iOS8 and can no longer use WiFi. That was annoying.[/finaljab]

Posted on
Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:14 am
pvrfan offline
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Re: Indigo Touch 3.0

It is an easy choice for me...

Report: 1 in 5 Android Apps Is Malware ... 10899.html

Why iOS is safer than Android ... droid.aspx

Android still triggers the most mobile malware, says F-Secure ... re-report/

Malware infected as many Android devices as Windows laptops in 2014 ... infection/


Posted on
Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:53 am
roussell offline
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Re: Indigo Touch 3.0

For phones I have no intention of moving away from iPhones. However for single-purpose tablets that are wall-mounted or otherwise dedicated to Home Automation, I'll use Android. Unless Adam or Sonos introduce nefarious code I'm not worried about security, because those are the only apps I'll use. It's about the best tool for the job, and for me today; Android tablets represent a better tool for the job of dedicated controller.


Posted on
Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:45 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Indigo Touch 3.0

It is an easy choice for me...

I have no problem discussing the merits and disadvantages of Android, iOS, BlackBerry, whoever; and it is definitely a personal choice, but your post is so full of mis-information that it doesn't do justice to a discussion. It is assumptions and quick search articles such as these that you posted that allow people not to make an informed decision about what is true.

Report: 1 in 5 Android Apps Is Malware

This is one prime example of misinformation -- those numbers are from applications that people have side-loaded into their devices NOT from the Google Play store. It is absolutely ridiculous to compare that to applications in Apple's App Store. Just like on Windows or OS X, I would hope you don't go and install an application from some random Russian hacker site... The advantage (and DISadvantage) of iOS is that it is much harder to install applications from outside of the App Store's control.

Secondly, the sources for the articles are primarily security firms selling anti-virus on Android devices. They don't sell for iOS...

Lastly, are you ditching OS X? Because they have had more zero-day vulnerabilities than Microsoft Windows in the last several versions. I doubt it because if you are smart with your devices and use logical thinking, any of these are realistically pretty safe. Security is as much behavioral as technological.


Posted on
Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:46 am
durosity offline
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Re: Indigo Touch 3.0

roussell wrote:
For phones I have no intention of moving away from iPhones. However for single-purpose tablets that are wall-mounted or otherwise dedicated to Home Automation, I'll use Android. Unless Adam or Sonos introduce nefarious code I'm not worried about security, because those are the only apps I'll use. It's about the best tool for the job, and for me today; Android tablets represent a better tool for the job of dedicated controller.


Yeah i'm kinda thinking along the same lines.. although it does seem much easier to get nice looking iPad wall mount frames than for android ones (i suppose with so many more sizes and shapes its much more awkward for manufacturers to make)

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