indigo and Roomie

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Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:05 pm
kw123 offline
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indigo and Roomie

I am using Indigo and Roomie. It looks to me that the 2 companies should talk to each other.

This would be the perfect match: very strong system scheduling coding system with wide coverage of add-on hardware and systems etc and on the other side very elegant preconfigured iXXX interface and very broad coverage of IR commands to audio / video devices included but little programming capabilities.

just my opinion.


Posted on
Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:13 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: indigo and Roomie

We've reached out to them on several occasions and have not gotten any response despite the feedback they received on their forums. We'd love to see direct integration in Roomie.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:46 pm
spiv offline
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Re: indigo and Roomie

I'm also using Roomie and have just begun using Indigo. There is now some integration where Roomie will import Indigo devices and create a control page, but I think there is a lot more that could be done, and vice-versa.

Roomie is far more advanced in the iOS apps and UI (as to be expected, since that is their main focus). I especially like the fully interactive design/reconfiguration of the UI right from the device (iPhone and iPad itself). However, Indigo control pages give a lot more freedom for advanced conditions, actions/triggers, and scripting/coding to do almost anything.

If I look at the HA industry strategically, there is a major change afoot with the likes of Apple HomeKit and other major players (security companies, cable/broadband providers) all trying to get in on the action. Complete solutions will be needed and the best-of-breed approach of a la carte solutions such as Roomie for AV/Home Theater, Indigo for lighting/appliance sophisticated/logic programming, iSY99 dedicated controllers are already competing with cheap but limited consumer self-contained hubs (like sold at Loews or by security companies or Insteon's own hub, etc.) will all be challenged by the larger forces that start making and selling truly integrated full solutions.

I think Roomie+Indigo more tightly integrated and possibly mated with a low-cost hardware-hub option (Raspberry pi based or similar hardware for $50 to $100 with built-in Insteon and/or Z-Wave) could be a real winner. I'm envisioning a small box that runs 24x7 and Indigo becomes the UI/Programming front-end and Roomie the primary iOS device/web end=user UI front-end. Indigo would be the same as it is now, but it can download all the scheduling into the box and be disconnected so a Mac would not be needed 24x7. Conceptually, a client-server model where the client is Indigo today as a secondary "Front-end" client talking to a back-end Indigo/Mac server but replace the back-end with a low-cost hub/appliance that functionally is indistinguishable from an Indigo/Mac server today.

Just my $.02 ..

P.S. I think Insteon should be selling the USB modem or giving it away dirt cheap instead of charging almost $80 for it. Short term they force people towards buying their hub (which we all know is not very good) instead of driving faster adoption of Insteon across the board which would drive much higher sales of all their modules. Razors and razorblades, folks.

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