Applescript for Control Page and keypad LED control?

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Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:00 pm
cmaruffi offline
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Joined: Mar 27, 2013

Applescript for Control Page and keypad LED control?

Hey all!

Does anyone know how to (from an applescript):
1. Go "back" on a control page to the previously linked page? - I don't want to use the "link to control page" because that just keeps nesting, but I want to return after a user selection.

2. Turn on/off a keypad LED from applescript?

I am stuck trying to figure out how to execute either of those two things via applescript, and if anyone can help me out I would GREATLY appreciate it!


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Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:59 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Applescript for Control Page and keypad LED control?

cmaruffi wrote:
1. Go "back" on a control page to the previously linked page? - I don't want to use the "link to control page" because that just keeps nesting, but I want to return after a user selection.

AppleScripts can't run in Indigo Touch (or on a web page) so it can't be done by definition. There is no way to go back from a control page element but that request is on the feature request list for some future version of Indigo (not Indigo 6) - not exactly what you're looking for but closer.

cmaruffi wrote:
2. Turn on/off a keypad LED from applescript?

Create an action group that turns ON the button and another that turns it off. Then execute that group from an AppleScript:

Code: Select all
execute group "Action Group Name"

Jay (Indigo Support)
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