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App to Email Indigo Error/Debug from Event Log: IndigoErrors

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:19 pm
by hwitten
The app runs on same Mac as INDIGO and scans the Event Log for entries containing trigger words. At the moment I trigger on Debug and Error. When Error entries are found I check further and if they are normal errors, like from the w800rf, they are ignored.

If an entry is considered to be serious an email is sent out. The email will contain all of the entries encountered from the daily event log. If the error report remains unchanged at the next scan, no further email is sent. If a change occurred, I.e. additional errors reported, another email will be sent.

At the moment the app is in own-use/alpha stage. I scan every 5 minutes, but can be set to 5, 15, 30, 60 minute intervals. When the app is first started an email is sent out, confirming that email, etc. is working correctly.


The App is Universal but has only been tested on Intel. If you'd like to give it a try go to the ScreenPrints link. The download link is at the bottom. Caveat though: still needs some polish of the type that will probably not get done if it remains home-use-only App but I don't mind sharing and tweaking if there is interest :)

Currently only works with Indigo 4 installed in the default location.

Re: App to Email Indigo Error/Debug from Event Log: IndigoEr

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:31 pm
by matt (support)
Cool -- thanks for sharing it!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:37 am
by hwitten
Have updated the app so that it's more stand-alone. You can now set your own trigger word(s) and exclusion(s) via Preferences.

New zip with Build 22 in place.