Were to pu the folder

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Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:12 am
Gusten offline
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Were to pu the folder

I had a harddisk crash and i am up and running again, but i had a script that got an image from my camera and put it in a folder., but i cant figure out were to create the "Axis" folder

The script is running as an embedded Python
and in the script we have this line
filenamn = "/Axis/kamera2.jpg"

I am use to pc and see the hole path to the file, not just the end of it?

I tried to put the "Axis" folder under my "homename" but no luck i altso tried to put it under "libery" but didnt work
So anyone know were i should put the folder?

Thanx Martin

Posted on
Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:31 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Were to pu the folder

The path specified indicates that the Axis directory is at the top level of the hard drive. To create it, you'll need to open a terminal window and create it:

Code: Select all
mkdir /Axis/

This is likely to cause permission issues if it's allowed at all given how Apple is locking down the OS. I personally would just put it in the Documents folder in the user folder of the account running Indigo. Then the path would be:

Code: Select all
/Users/[short name of indigo account]/Documents/Axis/kamera2.jpg

Though, you don't say what's using the file so that may not be appropriate either.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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