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More Prism Reflector Troubles

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:42 pm
by yergeyj
First, I get messages that the server can't connect on occasion, one every few days to a few a day, but it always eventually connects. I've not made any changes to the system (of which I'm aware) for at least several weeks. Today, and according to my log, not yesterday, or any day of the last several weeks, I started getting the following with regularity and have been unable to connect with my iPhone on 4G.

Jan 20, 2013 2:03:26 PM
Error reflector connection test failed: Reflector connection is currently down.
Error reflector reconnection scheduled in 5 seconds
Reflector restarting reflector connection to

Jan 20, 2013 2:03:52 PM
Error reflector connection test failed: Reflector connection is currently down.
Error reflector reconnection scheduled in 2 minutes

... then 6 minutes ... then 15 minutes

I checked in this forum, and next verified my account on the prism reflector, and it's fine, but of course cannot connect.

I next ran the IndigoPermFixer, and got the following output:

-- Indigo Folder/File Permission Fixer --
Home User: auto
ID User: root
Folder: /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6

Repairing Indigo folder owner and permissions:
Original: drwxrwxr-x / auto : admin
New: drwxrwxr-x / auto : admin

Repairing Prism Reflector key file permissions:

I used Terminal to verify the user and group for /Library/Application Preferences/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Preferences/Prism Reflector/ were all set to auto:admin, with what appear to be the correct read/write permissions:

drwxrwx--- 5 auto admin 170 Feb 3 2007 .
drwxrwxr-x 50 auto admin 1700 Jan 20 14:01 ..
-rw-------@ 1 auto admin 883 Feb 3 2007 id_rsa
-rw-rw----@ 1 auto admin 233 Feb 3 2007
-rw-rw----@ 1 auto admin 966 Feb 3 2007 ssh_config

Not sure what to try next?


Re: More Prism Reflector Troubles

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:04 pm
by matt (support)
Hi Jim,

Is it still not working? Have you tried shutting down the Indigo Server and restarting it? If that doesn't help, then try restarting your Mac.

If that doesn't help, then send me an email and we'll troubleshoot it with you in more detail.

Note we have been upgrading the server software and hardware recently (including yesterday / last night), so there was definitely a bit of down time yesterday. But right now it is up and running smoothly -- from what we can tell here.

Re: More Prism Reflector Troubles

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:15 pm
by yergeyj
matt (support) wrote:
Hi Jim,

Is it still not working? Have you tried shutting down the Indigo Server and restarting it? If that doesn't help, then try restarting your Mac.

If that doesn't help, then send me an email and we'll troubleshoot it with you in more detail.

Note we have been upgrading the server software and hardware recently (including yesterday / last night), so there was definitely a bit of down time yesterday. But right now it is up and running smoothly -- from what we can tell here.


I did restart both the server and Mac already. I'll follow up by e-mail.


P.S. - I should have posted back on 20-Jan-2013 that Matt and I did get my reflector working quite quickly, and it turned out to be something quite specific to the date on which it stopped, not anything generic with Indigo. It's worked fine since.

Re: More Prism Reflector Troubles

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:28 am
by matt (support)
I know we got your setup working again, but for others reading this thread:

There are new versions of Indigo 5 and Indigo 6 available which should help with recent reflector connection failures.

Re: More Prism Reflector Troubles

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:36 am
by red04sox
Another reflector problem started about a week ago.

All images on my webpages that are set up as refreshing image URLs are suddenly broken, instead I get a placeholder saying 'Reflector Refreshing Image Bandwidth Exceeded -- please contact support.' I slowed the refresh rate from 1-4 sec down to 1 hour with no effect. I upgraded Indigo to 5.1.8 also with no effect. Any suggestions???

(as an aside, my pages still work fine using the Indigo Touch app on my iPad -- they're broken when accessing them from a web browser (Chrome or Safari running on either Mac ML or Linux Ubuntu))

Re: More Prism Reflector Troubles

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:23 am
by matt (support)
There were a couple of reflectors that appeared to have clients continuously polling images every couple of seconds. Since all of the files have to bounce to and from our server, it was eating up quite a bit of bandwidth (30+ gigabytes / month in some cases). I'm hoping to modify the browser client and Indigo Touch in the future to better throttle the requests in this case automatically, but that isn't possible retroactively so we rerouted refreshing images on a few reflectors to display the image you saw.

Therefore, we want to politely ask that folks not leave browser or Indigo Touch clients running continuously if they are using refreshing image controls with durations of less than 30 minutes. Using shorter durations is fine as long as the clients aren't running continuously.

Note this request only applies to connections when a reflector is being used. If you are directly connected to your Indigo Server on your home network or not using a reflector then the bandwidth isn't going through our servers and you can have images refreshed as frequently as you would like.

Send us an email (indigo-support AT with your reflector name and we can get it activated again for you.

Re: More Prism Reflector Troubles

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:53 am
by red04sox
Thanks Matt -- will do.