Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iPad

Posted on
Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:11 pm
peter offline
Posts: 34
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Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iPad

The first time I tested by Prism Reflector using a Wi-Fi connection, Prism kept asking me for my username and password on my iPad. When I got home, Prism did the same thing when I connected using my LAN. The Bonjour connection on my iPad using Indigo Touch seems to be working fine. Any thoughts on why my Prism Wi-Fi connection using my https login acts flakey?

Posted on
Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:17 pm
peter offline
Posts: 34
Joined: Feb 09, 2011

Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

I know you guys like event logs, so here's what mine says when I try to change a device state using Indigo Touch and my Prism:

Feb 9, 2011 9:14:57 PM
WebServer access denied "" from prashid @

Feb 9, 2011 9:15:16 PM
WebServer access denied "" from prashid @

Posted on
Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:19 pm
peter offline
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Joined: Feb 09, 2011

Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP when I try to refresh the page on my iPad, the web page does not refresh and hangs up. Does Prism work properly, or is it buggy?

Posted on
Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:38 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

Are you using Indigo Touch in all cases, or are you also accessing via Safari?

Did you manually enter the server address inside Indigo Touch? If you are using GoPrism, then you don't need to manually enter it. Once the reflector is setup, just access it once from your LAN via Bonjour and then Indigo Touch will automatically remember the reflector address and it will be used that anytime you aren't on the LAN.

Lastly, note that when using Indigo Touch you might get prompted twice for your password. Once when accessing it via Bonjour/LAN, and then again if you are outside the LAN. But after that you shouldn't be prompted again. You might try restarting the iPad to see if that helps (Indigo Touch relies on iOS to automatically store/use the user/password credentials).

Prism is pretty solid -- the account setup Web pages need some work, but once set up it should just work.


Posted on
Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:01 am
peter offline
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Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

Thanks for the reply. I was using the goprism website with Safari when the continuous username and password was occurring. I posted my event log that shows the error. I believe that my Indigo Touch automatically recognized Prism. Under Settings in Indigo Touch, my goprism website is listed as the reflector. Is there something else I need to do to have Indigo Touch access goprism when using Wi-Fi? I'm new to this, so please excuse my lack of understanding, but it was my impression that Indigo Touch first looks for a Bonjour connection, and then Wi-Fi and will automatically connect to either one without my assistance. Thanks again. Peter

Posted on
Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:32 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

Hi Peter,

peter wrote:
I'm new to this, so please excuse my lack of understanding, but it was my impression that Indigo Touch first looks for a Bonjour connection, and then Wi-Fi and will automatically connect to either one without my assistance.

That is correct, once you originally connect via Bonjour Indigo Touch will save the reflector connection address and use that whenever Bonjour doesn't work.

Stop and Restart the Indigo Server (not just the client) using the Indigo 4->Stop Server menu item. After it has been up about 2 minutes, open the Event Log window and copy/paste the contents into a forum post for me.


Posted on
Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:33 pm
peter offline
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Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

First of all, I had to quit Indigo 4.0 when I stopped the server. I'm not sure your other users reporting the same problem. Than, I started the local server by clicking on the icon. Is there anything else I need to do to get the server working correctly?

Thanks. Peter

Posted on
Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:35 pm
peter offline
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Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

OK...I couldn't remember what exactly you wanted, so here's the event log when I restarted Indigo.....

Feb 10, 2011 11:31:36 PM
Starting Indigo Server version 4.1.16
Loading attachments
"device target attachment.scpt" script loaded
"group target attachment.scpt" script loaded
"growl attachment.scpt" script loaded
"iTunes attachment.scpt" script loaded
"scenes attachment.scpt" script loaded
"time stamp attachment.scpt" script loaded
Bonjour registered "Indigo - Mountain Road"
Indigo Cocoa client authenticated
Reflector starting reflector connection to https://****
Reflector starting reflector connection to https://****
WebServer client authenticated
WebServer started on port 8176 -- digest authentication enabled

Feb 10, 2011 11:31:38 PM
iTunes Sync iTunes Sync Script Launched
Connected to PowerLinc 2413U interface
PowerLinc address 18.B7.EB, firmware version 9.2

Looks good?

I think so...

Posted on
Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:39 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

Okay your Event Log looks good and it looks like your reflector was started and is working.

Now that you've done that, retry connecting from Safari and Indigo Touch. What happens on both? If it isn't working, then please describe in detail what you are seeing and which Indigo page you are trying to access (Devices, a custom Control Page, etc.).

Lastly, if you continue to get the password prompt in Safari, try temporarily turning off the Indigo password (inside the Start Local Server dialog, via the Indigo 4->Start Local Server.. menu item). Does it still prompt you? Next, reset the password back. Any improvement?


Posted on
Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:00 pm
peter offline
Posts: 34
Joined: Feb 09, 2011

Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

Hi Matt,

Well...this is most interesting. I went to Borders to use their Wi-Fi and test Indigo Touch and the goprism reflector. Indigo Touch recognized that the local server was not available, connected to the Wi-Fi and worked brilliantly. Then, I used Safari to connect to my goprism website. I logged in with my username and password. I have 5 devices right now (will get more tomorrow). I turned on each device one at a time. All the devices worked brilliantly, except for one particular device. It turns out that this one particular device causes the username and password to continuously pop up. The device name is Cooktop/Sink. I don't know whether the slash in the device name is acceptable or not. I wouldn't think it would matter. Anyways, I cut and pasted the event log. Any reason why one particular device would cause the goprism website to ask for my username and password? Thanks for your help. Peter

Feb 11, 2011 11:58:09 AM
Sent INSTEON "Wet Bar Light" on to 80

Feb 11, 2011 11:58:27 AM
Sent INSTEON "Wet Bar Light" off

Feb 11, 2011 11:59:48 AM
WebServer access denied "" from prashid @
WebServer access denied "" from prashid @
WebServer access denied "" from prashid @

Feb 11, 2011 12:01:55 PM
WebServer request to set device "Wet Bar Light" brightness from
Sent INSTEON "Wet Bar Light" on to 50
WebServer request to turn off device "Wet Bar Light" from
Sent INSTEON "Wet Bar Light" off

Feb 11, 2011 12:02:23 PM
WebServer request to set device "Refrigerator Light" brightness from
Sent INSTEON "Refrigerator Light" on to 30
WebServer access denied "" from prashid @

Feb 11, 2011 12:04:01 PM
WebServer request to turn off device "Refrigerator Light" from
Sent INSTEON "Refrigerator Light" off

Feb 11, 2011 12:04:22 PM
WebServer request to turn on device "Hallway Outlet" from
Sent INSTEON "Hallway Outlet" on
WebServer request to turn off device "Hallway Outlet" from
Sent INSTEON "Hallway Outlet" off

Feb 11, 2011 12:04:55 PM
WebServer request to set device "Front Porch Light" brightness from
Sent INSTEON "Front Porch Light" on to 30
Trigger Action Front porch light turned ON email
Email Sent to ""; subject "Front Porch Light"
WebServer request to turn off device "Front Porch Light" from
Sent INSTEON "Front Porch Light" off

Feb 11, 2011 12:05:36 PM
WebServer access denied "" from prashid @
WebServer access denied "" from prashid @

Feb 11, 2011 12:07:10 PM
Sent INSTEON "Cooktop/Sink" on to 46
Sent INSTEON "Cooktop/Sink" off

Feb 11, 2011 12:48:43 PM
Error reflector connection not open
Error reflector reconnection scheduled in 5 seconds
Killing 60019 using SIGTERM
returned ESRCH

Feb 11, 2011 12:49:19 PM
Error failed to create reflector connection: unable to connect to server
Error reflector reconnection scheduled in 15 minutes

Posted on
Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:06 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

Yes, I definitely think the slash in the Device name is the problem. I was able to reproduce the problem when trying to control a device from a browser via GoPrism in that case. The URL isn't being encoded correctly in that case.

Interestingly, accessing via the IP address (on LAN) from a browser or accessing from Indigo Touch (either LAN or GoPrism) worked fine. We'll look into the issue. In the mean time remove the slash and it should work.


Posted on
Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:27 pm
peter offline
Posts: 34
Joined: Feb 09, 2011

Re: Prism keeps asking for my username and password on my iP

Thanks Matt.

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