
Posted on
Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:51 pm
silenttrace offline
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Joined: Jul 26, 2010


Does anyone know who owns GoPrism - is it really just you indigo guys and gals? Can we boost the encryption up from beyond 128? I mean you are using ssl which is capable of higher encryption than that and yes I know encryption slows things down some but with the data rate of commands it should be negligible. I am just nervous about someone cracking the pipe and messing with the house and my thermostat - I freak as it is if the kids tweak it let alone someone sitting in a cafe in France.

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Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:27 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Security

Perceptive Automation is the co-owner of Depending on the browser, the server will use up to 256 bit encryption (AES-256) for HTTPS connections.

Addendum: I need to double check, but I think we might need to tweak the encrypted tunnel that is created between the Mac running Indigo Server and That currently might be 128 bit. The HTTPS connection from the browser to, however, will be 256 bit if the browser supports it.


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